Page 40 of Bear's Protection

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“Nice to know,” I sniffed and found my shoes.

“I don’t mean it like that,” he said.

I had to get out of here. My fox was upset.Iwas upset. I just wanted to get away from Jameson and breathe. I was so incredibly worked up, ready for sex, and the orgasm hadn’t made me feel any less like I was left hanging. I had too many emotions and feelings going on, and I wanted to get away.

“I’ll see you tomorrow,” I said. “BDSM night again, right? It’s going to be a banger.”

I didn’t even laugh at my own stupid joke. A lump had tightened my throat, and my eyes stung with tears, and damn if I was going to let him see how much it had gotten to me.

Even though I should have known that this would happen.

“Oaklee,” Jameson tried, but I raised a finger to stop him from saying anything more and left his office.

Jameson stayed behind, and I swore I could have heard him curse under his breath. A small part of me wished he’d call me back, but of course, that didn’t happen.

None of the good stuff ever happened to me. All the things in movies with their happy endings—that only happened to everyone else. I’d drawn the short straw in this life, only getting the bad shit.

Just when I’d thought that maybe things would change for me, Jameson had said no to me. After he’d made me orgasm and ache for him like I’d never had with anyone else.

Pull yourself together.

It was pathetic of me to wallow in self-pity, and I shook it off. I would hold my head high and keep going. Jameson and his rejection wouldn’t change anything. I had a good job. I had a plan moving forward, and if I could convince Autumn to destroy that damn amulet, maybe my life could finally start moving in a good direction. None of those things included Jameson, so it didn’t have to be an earth-shattering devastation in my life.

I’d been through bad shit before. Much worse than this. I always picked myself up again.

In the end, Jameson was just another guy.

I’d left my dad behind.

I’d left Montana behind.

I’d left a lot of things in my life behind, and I’d moved forward.

Surely, I could do that again.

If only my fox would calm down and my body would stop humming in the aftermath of the most intense orgasm I’d ever had. If only I wouldn’t keep aching for Jameson the way I did right now.



“Can I ask you a hypothetical question?” I asked Nadia.

I sat on her couch, nursing a cup of coffee. She was off work—it was a Saturday, and since I’d stopped looking for a fae that could help me for a while, I’d decided to spend the day with her instead.


“What would you do if a man rejected you for sex?”

“Uhm…” Nadia creased her brow, thinking about it. “I guess I’d walk away.”


“Because I deserve better than that. If someone says no, then it means no,” Nadia said simply. “I mean, if it got as far as sex… what happened?”

“Nothing happened.” That wasn’t a lie. Nothinghadhappened between Jameson and me. Or at least,almostnothing had happened. That orgasm still had my toes curling when I thought about it. I could still conjure the feel of his lips on my pussy, the scent of his arousal and his cologne and the magic of his bear wrapping around me and almost claiming me.

