Page 54 of Bear's Protection

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“What do you want me to do?” Felix asked. He balled his hands into fists. “We can take them out—”

“No,” I said. “Not yet. I want you to watch them for a while, see what they’re up to. They have to be back here for a reason, and I want to know what that is. If they don’t think we know they’re here, they might go about their business without being too quiet about it.”

Felix shook out his balled hands as if he’d been ready for a fight that would have to wait. “Makes sense. If it was me, though, I’d just fuck them up and get it over with.”

“Well, it’s not you, is it?” I snapped.

Felix raised his eyebrows. “Being mated makes you cranky, man.”

That hit a nerve.

“If you’re going to sit here and offer snarky comments, you can fuck right off and let me deal with my own shit. You’re my beta because that’s what I want, not because you earned it in any way.”

“Don’t be a dick,” Felix snapped. “I deserve to be here. I earned my spot just like the rest of us.”

“Carletta was a big reason,” I pointed out. “It was different when we all thought you were going to be family.”

“Gee, thanks for the reminder of what I lost,” Felix bristled. He was getting pissed off with me. Well, the feeling was mutual.

“See what you can find without them knowing you’re on their tail.”

“On it,” Felix agreed.

“If Tate himself shows his face, you let me know. I’ll kill him myself.”

Felix threw back the last bit of whiskey in his glass and stood.

“On it, boss.” He was pissed off that I’d told him I could get rid of him if I wanted. Not that I would, but that didn’t change the facts.

“I’ll take care of this shit,” Felix said. “And if you don’t mind, I want to look into Oaklee, too. Just to be sure.”

“Fine,” I snapped.

I hadn’t even figured out what I was going to do with her yet. Felix had been right about his news distracting me, even though it was pretty shitty news.

“I’ll see you later,” Felix said.

“Drink more with me,” I offered.

“Not when you’re in a dark mood,” Felix said. “No offense, alpha, but you’re a dick when you drink, and shit hits the fan.”

I wanted to deck him for saying that to me, but he wasn’t exactly wrong. Icouldbe a dick. I was pissed off, confused, and panicking, and I was taking it out on my beta.

“See you later,” I said, answering Felix’s greeting instead.

Felix left the house, leaving me alone with my bottle of whiskey, and nothing felt better than it had before he arrived. Shit, no matter how much I drank, this wasn’t going to change.

I’d slept with Oaklee.

Tate’s people were back in town.

Could shit get any worse?

I closed my eyes, and the room spun around me slowly. At least I was getting drunk.

I flashed on Oaklee. Her naked body beneath me, those leather boots making her look like sex on a stick. I heard her voice as she let out a soft cry in pleasure, felt her tight pussy wrapped around my cock.

A shiver chased down my spine, and my cock grew hard in my pants.

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