Page 72 of Bear's Protection

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I pinned him with a hard glare, but he turned his back on the cell door and walked to the stairs, not checking to see if I followed him.

We walked into the bar, and Felix took out two glasses, pouring whiskey into each of them.

“What the hell is going on, Felix?” I asked when he still didn’t say anything. “Are you going to make me play twenty questions with you, or should I just beat it out of you and get it over with?”

“Oaklee is one of them.”

I blinked at Felix. “One of who?”

“One of Tate’s.”

I squinted my eyes. “What the fuck are you talking about?”

“I wasn’t going to tell you. I told her to get out of here if she wanted to live, but she decided to stay, so now I’m telling you.”

I need to tell you something.

“I don’t understand what you’re saying to me.”

“Gilbert is her mom’s maiden name,” Felix said. “She took it after her parents got divorced, but Oaklee was born Oaklee Armstrong.”

My ears started ringing.

“Jameson, she’s Tate’s daughter,” Felix said when I didn’t say anything.

I clenched my jaw. “She’s not.”

“I didn’t want to believe that she would betray you, but she’s here for a reason, and the reason is to get to you. It has to be. Something about her is off. It wasn’t at first, but after she was here a while, I felt something that didn’t make sense. I followed her and found a fae she’s been talking to. When I couldn’t find out what she’d been going on about, I followed her one day and listened in on their conversation, and she was talking about Tate Armstrong.”

“What was she saying?” I asked.

Felix raised his chin. “I don’t know, I didn’t catch all of it, but it makes sense. Her magic is strange. Tate’s men show up shortly after she does. And you heard that man down there yourself—he knows her.”

My ears started ringing, and my chest felt tight. What did Oaklee and Tate have to do with each other? She couldn’t be his daughter, could she? She’d just told me how shit her dad had treated her, how she’d gotten away from him, how he’d made her life miserable…

“You’re wrong,” I argued.

Hehadto be wrong. I wasn’t fated to the daughter of my sworn enemy. Fate couldn’t be that cruel.

“I really wish I was,” Felix said, and he looked like he meant it. “I know what it means to love someone and to lose them again.”

His relationship with Carletta was nothing like what I had with Oaklee. I wanted to smash something. I wanted to grab Felix and shake him, tell him that this wasn’t that, and he was wrong, he was fucked in the head for even thinking that Oaklee—

“I questioned the fae she talked to,” Felix said. He held up his hands, and when I glanced down, I noticed my hands had turned to claws, with sharp black nails. My anger had already brought my bear to the surface, and Felix knew to tread lightly.

He was my beta, my best friend—hell he was like a brother to me—but that didn’t change the fact that I was still alpha, and he was talking shit about the woman I considered my mate.

“What did she say?” I growled.

“It took a lot of work to get anything out of her,” Felix said. “Finally, I managed to get it out of her that Oaklee has something that gave her more power than anything in the world. Tate stored power in it. If his men are here, and that power lands in his hands again, he’s going to be a lot stronger than you are, and if he overthrows you—”

“No,” I said, shaking my head. I grabbed the glass of whiskey and gulped it all down in one go. “She would never help Tate work against me. You know her, Felix. She’sgood.”

“Is she?” Felix asked. “What do you know about her?”

You don’t know anything about me.

She’d told me so herself. All I knew about her was that we were fated, but what did that mean if she was working with Tate?
