Page 73 of Bear's Protection

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“I want to see her,” I said.


“The fae you talked to.”

Felix shook his head. “She skipped town after I talked to her. She said something about magic becoming what it did, and she wasn’t ready for her magic to turn dark. She’d had enough trouble in her life already, those were her last words.”

“What the fuck does that mean?”

“I don’t know,” Felix said. “All I know is that Tate Armstrong isn’t working alone, and I think he’s gotten his claws way deeper into your life than we both realized. We should do something about it, starting with Oaklee.”

My gut twisted violently when he said it, my first reaction was to grab him and take a bite out of his flesh, making him cower in the corner and remember who was alpha. That was mymatehe was referring to.

My logical mind kicked in.

What if she wasn’t my mate? What if this was all a ploy to take more from me, to ruin me so that Tate could take over? He’d always been power hungry. I’d thought him to be an idiot, then. Someone violent was only a danger to himself, but with the right weapons, he could be a danger to the world.

My world.


I turned around and stormed out of the bar.

“Where are you going?” Felix called after me.

“Staff meeting at the club,” I snapped. I had a job to do on top of all this bullshit.

“You’re seriously going to pretend this isn’t an issue?” Felix asked.

I stopped at the door.

“She’ll be there. I’ll deal with her. In the meantime, you have information to get from our friend downstairs, so best get on that. You do your job, and I’ll do mine.”

“Be careful, Jameson,” Felix said.

It was already too late for that.



On Tuesdays, we arrived at the club earlier to have a staff meeting. It was our quietest night of the week, so it made the most sense. It was also when a lot of the staff came back after their nights off—we usually ran Sundays and Mondays on skeleton staff—so I liked to check in with my people.

Tonight, anger bubbled under my skin, and my bear was alert and pissed off after everything I’d learned.

The bouncers were already in the bar area, talking to each other. Amy and Serena stood to the side, chatting about something, and my bartenders discussed drinks behind the bar.

I glanced around. Oaklee was nowhere to be seen.

Had she somehow found out and gone into hiding, knowing that I knew?

I cleared my throat, and everyone straightened out, coming together in a circle.

I ran through the agenda on autopilot. I discussed shift changes, grievances, new plans, themes—all of it without actively thinking about it. I kept my eyes open for Oaklee, but she didn’t arrive.

When we wrapped up, the door opened, and I snapped my head around, but it wasn’t Oaklee arriving.

It was Carletta.
