Page 68 of The Lies We Tell

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There were once again only two guards, but Nigel Peters stood in the center of the small clearing, the launch code in his hand as he typed in the numbers to activate the weapon.

“Ferry is docking,” Grace said.

“Something seems off here, Ghost,” Ethan said.

“Are you getting other heat signals nearby?” Gabe asked.

“No, that’s what seems off.”

Gabe tuned out Ethan and knew he’d have to take out both guards quickly. Peters was trained in combat, and he’d be expecting him. He was more than likely armed as well. Gabe threw his knife at the first guard and shot the second guard even as Peters brought up his own weapon.

Gabe rolled and fired, while Peters returned fire in slow, steady increments, so Gabe had no choice but to head for cover in a direction he already knew was a dead end. He held still behind a thick palm tree and didn’t flinch as a bullet sent shards of the trunk into his cheek and neck. All Peters needed was a target, and he’d be damned if he’d give him one.

The report of a long-distance rifle had Gabe dropping to the ground and taking stock of the situation. Peters was on the ground, a perfectly round bullet hole through the center of his forehead.

Gabe looked up to where Grace was positioned over the waterfalls on the other side of island. The shot she’d taken had been from almost a mile away. There were only a handful of people in the world who could make a shot like that. It was a phenomenal gift, but there wasn’t time to do anything but embrace the feeling that things were about to go to hell very quickly.

“Get out of there, Kill Shot,” Gabe said. “You’ve just given away your position.”

“I’m already moving. And you’re welcome for saving your life.”

“I’ll thank you later. Just move!”

“I can see the ferry from my position,” Logan said. “They’re unloading, and Kimball’s men are escorting the members to the cars with umbrellas.”

“I’m with the weapon,” Gabe said, looking at the small cylinder buried partially in the sand. The countdown had already begun on the white plastic tube, but there was an abort button just below the glowing red numbers.

He felt the sting in his shoulder before the sound of gunfire registered. Liquid fire raced through his veins, and he could smell his singed skin where the bullet had exited. He dropped to his knees and ignored the demands through his com link to tell them he was all right. He brought his other arm up to try and hit the abort button once again when a hand pressed against the wound in his shoulder. He gritted his teeth against the pain, threw his head back, and shoved his fist into his attacker’s groin. Gabe was losing a lot of blood, and he wouldn’t be able to fight for long.

“I’m going to make your death terribly slow,” Kimball said, kicking Gabe flat on his back while he walked off the pain in his balls. “I’m going to enjoy killing you.”

Kimball kicked Gabe in the ribs and leaned over him, slamming the butt of his gun across the side of his face. He didn’t lose consciousness. But it was close.

“What do you think of my suit?” Kimball asked, slapping him across the face. “I know I had your man fooled. You’re not the only one who gets to have all the fun toys.”

Gabe opened his eyes and took a good look at his enemy. He was covered from head to toe in what looked like sealskin, but Gabe had seen it before and knew it was a complex design of state-of-the-art materials and intricate wiring.

“It completely erases all body heat. As if I’m not really here at all.” He pulled Gabe up by his shoulder, squeezing the wound. “Let’s move back a bit. The show’s about to start.”

Gabe watched with impotent fury as the canister launched and the aerosol was released into the air.

“Why don’t we go greet my guests? I’m sure most of them will be thrilled to see you again. But I’m thinking they’re mostly going to want to try to kill you. I believe you’ve done damage to all of their businesses at one point or another.”

Kimball looked around them, and his gaze landed on the spot Grace had killed Peters from. “I’m glad he brought you along, Grace. I’ve been thinking of you these last few weeks. I’m not nearly through with you yet. I know you can hear me. I know all of you can hear me. Make sure you get in a good position to watch your team leader die. Your game’s over. Looks like the good guys lose.”

There was nothing but silence over Gabe’s com link now, and he was grateful for the chance to think without interruption.

“It’s funny, you know?” Kimball asked. “All of those years I spent whoring for the CIA, and all I heard was stories about you. I guess you’ve just never met your match before.”

Kimball squeezed at his shoulder again, and Gabe’s knees buckled, but he stayed upright.

“Let’s go, Brennan. You’re going to get to see the Passover Project up close and personal. It’ll be a hell of a show.”


“I’ve closed Gabe out of our circuit,” Ethan said through the com links. “Please tell me someone has a plan.”

Grace kept running across the island, her pistol in her hand and her rifle slung across her back. It took everything she had not to let the fear over Gabe’s safety take control. She could be afraid later. Right now she had to save him.
