Page 19 of Lawless

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The entire time we're there, I feel as if someone is watching me. I couldn't put my finger on it, but the awareness of it was annoying enough for me to cut the meeting short as soon as we settled on a price.

"What's up, boss?" Ricardo asked as soon as we were back in the car and headed home. "You got jumpy at the end there."

I shook my head. "I felt like someone was watching me."

"Yeah. The entire room was. There were like thirty guys in there."

"Not them. Like it was someone else. I could feel their eyes on me, and I didn't like it one bit. I'm going to have to go out again tonight to see if I can shake the feeling," I told him as I discreetly rubbed my palms on my lap.

Ricardo gave me a hard stare. "I think that's a bad idea. You've been more on edge lately. Plus, if someone is watching you, then going out alone would only encourage them to try to approach you."

"Let them. They don't call me The Monster for no reason. I can handle myself."

"If you're going to be stubborn, then I'm coming with you at least. I'll stay out of your way, but you're not getting gunned down on my watch," he said as he pulled into the garage.

I climbed out, then gave him a nod. If he wanted to shadow me, then he could. I wouldn't stop him.

Besides, he might be able to get a glimpse of whoever was watching me.

* * *

Later that night,as I was prowling the city streets, I sensed eyes on me again. While I wanted to draw Ricardo's attention to it, I knew having him look around would be too suspicious. Besides, what if it was merely someone who meant me no harm?

I'd been told by many women over the years that I was handsome. They'd all been ignored, of course. My heart belonged to one person only, and they were not it. But still, I knew there were things about me others considered striking. Maybe this person was merely watching me for that reason.

It wouldn't explain the weird feeling I got in the house, but it would solve the mystery of feeling watched while I was out. Who truly knew though? If this person never approached, then I'd be none the wiser. And if they did... well, the future is unknown. I couldn't say what would happen.

Oddly enough, the night was quiet. It was the first time I'd ever been out and found no one in need of help. I felt oddly unsettled at the fact.

"Don't be upset. You've been going out a lot more this past week," Ricardo told me as we headed home.

"Speaking of this past week, what do you have for me?" I didn't have to elaborate for him to know what I meant.

His loyalty test. The thing he would do to prove his worth to me and the cause.

Ricardo looked behind us, as if he could feel the same stare on our backs that I had. When he turned back around, his expression was clear, so there must not have been anyone back there.

"I had to wait until the right time to take care of it. I managed to get it down last night while you were out, which is why I was still asleep earlier today. I'll show you what I've done once we're home. That's where the setup is," he said cautiously.

With each word he spoke, I wondered just what he could have done. There were many ways to show one's loyalty. It would be interesting to know the path Ricardo chose.

Once we reached the area where we parked the car, it was just a short drive back to the house. We climbed out, then I followed Ricardo into the dining room area.

"This will hopefully prove how loyal I am to you." He opened his laptop, then pressed a few buttons. The screen filled with images of my father's office from two different angles. I could see him on a call at his desk, though he should have been sleeping given the late hour.

My eyes widened at the sight. "You planted these?"

He gave me a nod. "And this," he said as an audio feed came through.

"You're going to do exactly as I say, or the deal is off. I didn't bring my son back to the states for you to yank me around."

The voice on the other end of the call said something in reply. My father didn't outwardly show his anger, but the tension in his shoulders and the way his hand rubbed his forehead told me the person he spoke with wasn't taking to his demands.

"Fine. We'll try it your way. Just know there will be a contract in place." Another pause, and then he added, "I'll be in touch, Marcel."

When the line disconnected, Ricardo paused the audio to look at me. "Does this prove how loyal I am? Was me risking my life to plant this enough proof?"

"Yes," I admitted. "You've done well. Does it record, also? I'd love to know what the first half of the conversation was."
