Page 17 of Dangerous Strokes

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She’s got me so deep under her spell, breaking my reality and replacing it with illusions I crave to materialize.

“One dance,” I say as I look down at her. She’s so fucking close, I struggle to keep my half-hard cock away from her.

Only, she shakes her head slowly.

“Two dances,” I try again.

The softest of smiles pulls at her lips before she shakes her head again. I spin her around in a pirouette, watching that smile turn from shock into gentle laughter, her hair a flowing veil as it whips around her face. If her voice sounds like birdsong, her laughter is a whole flock making up their own melody.

“Three is my limit, little witch. Besides, I’m not here to dance. I’m here to get what we are owed. Including your punishment.”

Her cheeks flush the brightest red, her lips part in shock, and her eyes… they’re showing her wickedness in such bright shades. Clearly, we’re not thinking of the same type of punishment, but when she pulls a bit of her bottom lip between her teeth, I forget what punishment I had in mind.

I’m trying to change the mood, to stop from losing myself into the night with her. What the hell does she want from me? Why did she bring me here?

She circles one arm around my neck and pulls herself up until her lips hover too close to my ear.

“I can fix The Lady’s eyes and you can still sell it as the original. No one will ever know.”

I shake my head as she comes back to face me. Closer than she was before.

“We’re not in the business of selling fakes.”

“Only contraband and stolen antiquities, then?” she taunts, cocking her head, but the smile never leaves her lips.

“Is that what you think we do?”

“Amongst other things. Is my painting not good enough for you? You’ll make millions on it. So many more than the ones you gave us.”

I narrow my eyes and grip her hand, pushing her into another pirouette, before I slam her body in mine, taking her breath away and enjoying it.

“There’s no guarantee that whoever buys it won’t find out. Besides, I would rather have the money back, for the inconvenience. For the deceit. For dragging us here in your little game.”

I lean in closer and closer as I say those words, almost brushing her lips before I move to her ear.

I’m so tempted to get a taste… just a small one.

But as the song ends, I completely let go of her and take a step back, putting much needed distance between us.

She looks momentarily lost at the move, and I can’t ignore how that innocence seems to settle back on her features, in her body language. I think the alcohol is fueling her courage, and she might need more to hold on to this audacious façade. She’s so fucking delicate, I want to scoop her up in my arms and wrap her in silks and soft furs, keep her on a pedestal and feed her grapes.


I need to step away. I’ll tell Carter to take over and get our money back, but knowing the bastard, he’ll probably tie her to a chair and torture her until she returns it with interest.

I whip around and walk away.

Two… four… six steps…

I try not to look back to check if she’s still there, watching me, or maybe following. But I fail… and what I see when I turn, stops me dead in my tracks. She’s walking around the left-hand side of the large, natural pool, casually stripping her top off.

“What the actual fuck?”

All these people, all these fucking men around, and she’s taking her top off! I can already see a couple of guys sizing her up as she bends over to slide her shorts down her legs and pull off her Converse.

Only when I’ve crossed half the distance do I realize I’ve started heading her way.

I’m not sure what annoys me more, the fact that she’s so careless in front of other men when she’s all alone, or the fact that all those assholes are fucking drooling over her sweet little body in that skimpy swimsuit. In her retro-style bikini she’s covered more than others, but I don’t give a fuck.
