Page 18 of Dangerous Strokes

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She doesn’t even look my way. The damn woman already knew I was going to return. That in itself gets me even more annoyed, but this time at myself.

How can I not be predictable when she just added fuel to the fire of the already enticing game she’s playing. She looks devastatingly breathtaking as she walks up a high boulder, the waterfall acting like her background in this cinematic image.

She dives in just as I get there, barely making a splash before she emerges a few yards away. And I’m just standing here, like an idiot, unable to peel my eyes away.


Her gaze falls on me as she smooths her wet hair back, and I’m trying very hard to find reasons not to jump in with her. Vin will fucking kill me. We’re here for a reason—business, or better yet, payback. They crossed us, and they have to suffer the consequence.

But they’re women, Ronan… we don’t fucking hurt women.

No, that we don’t. Plus, in that little riddle she so carefully crafted for me on the back of her painting, she already said she’s returning the money. This… all of this is not about that—it’s about cravings, desires, deep needs we both seem to want to settle.

I managed to peel my eyes away from her and catch a glimpse of Finn. The man is completely lost in Erika, dancing like they’re the only people in this forest. He’s given up the whole purpose of this, if he even took it seriously in the first instance. My bet is onno. In a way, he’s a better man than I am. He knew what he wanted and went straight for it, no beating around the bush.

Suddenly, I’m distracted.

“I’m definitely tapping that tonight.”

“Fuck you, man. You only like blondes anyway. This one’s mine. She has my name written all over that sweet ass.”

I’m not sure how many shades of red exist, but I know for a fact that I’m seeing all of them right now. I turn to find somewhere to my left the same assholes that were watching her before she dove in.

“One more word aboutmywoman and I’ll slice off your tongue and shove it downhisthroat.”

“Who the fuck do you—” he spits out, a smug look on his face.

His wide-eyed friend interrupts him, whispering something in his ear. The next moment, the color drains from his face at the same time his shoulders tense and he averts his gaze from me.

I don’t have time for this.

“You have five seconds to apologize and fuck off out of here. Three… Four…”

“I’m sorry, Mr. Hennessey. I—It won’t ha—happen again.”

I’ve never seen anyone walk that fast. They didn’t even pick up their clothes.

A sharp pain draws my attention to my palm, and I realize I’ve been squeezing my fist hard enough that I left red marks with my short nails.

If I wasn’t sure what I wanted before, this whole interaction pretty much sums it up. I can’t deny myself. I won’t. I want to play her game. I want to sink into this spell of hers.

I realize that, in this moment, I’m able to predict my own future. When I look back at her, this will be it. I’ll be lost. Maybe for a night, maybe for two, maybe a month, or forever. I’ll be lost in her, and climbing back out of whatever abyss I’ll be caught in will be close to impossible.

It can change my life. Scar me permanently…

So, I turn and meet her gaze, falling straight into the void, as I lose my clothes down to my boxer briefs, and dive into the chilly water.

When I emerge close to her, she’s almost expressionless. There’s a completely different intensity in those eyes and it creeps up my spine. Like she knows something I don’t, in on some sort of secret about my life that only she can reveal.

“What did you think, little witch? That you can tease me? Make me chase you around our city? Get me to play your games, just so you can expose your pretty ass and tits in front of all these men, showing them what’s so… clearly…mine?”

Her eyes widen, lips parting as she focuses on me, my words crashing down on her harder than this waterfall that drowns out the party raging beyond the pool. I grab Ingrid’s hand, pulling her with me as I begin swimming toward the waterfall without waiting for her reaction or response. She struggles to break free, screaming in vain, so I pull her in front of me so fast, she swallows water, and it shuts her up. I keep swimming forward with her facing me, the sound of the falls deafening as the spray becomes much thicker.

“Hold your breath!” I yell.


She barely has a moment to take a gulp of air, before I dive underwater, pushing us through the weight of the falls smashing us.
