Page 23 of Dangerous Strokes

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I grab the back of her head, wrap my arm around her middle, and press her against me as the water seems to be pulling us deeper. All of a sudden, she seems to awaken from the spell, looking around her frantically and pushing against my shoulders, panic for air starting to settle in.

I should go back up, I know that. But that’s not why I’m here with her, and that’s not what I’m about to do.

My lips meet hers, and I kiss her almost desperately, forcing her to me as the pressure of the water threatens to pull us apart. I sink into the softness of her lips, demanding more, pushing my way into her sweet mouth, and taking my fill of her. Nothing could have stopped this kiss after that broken moment behind the waterfall.

She writhes against me, both in attempts to break up to the surface for air, and to get closer to me. She slams her fist against my shoulder, but to no avail. And there’s one moment, one sweet fucking moment, when the tension in her muscles gives in. Submitting to the fear, the adrenaline, to my tongue fighting her own, to my touch too, and I grin against her as I blow air into her mouth through the kiss.

She stills, eyes widening as she realizes what I teased. There’s no hesitation when she grabs the sides of my head and kisses me like her life depends on it. Ironically, it does.

But her famine is not just for air. She swipes her tongue through my mouth, tasting me as wildly as I was tasting her. Then she sucks against me like she’s trying to pull the air right out of my lungs. I give her nothing. Only a grin.

She stuns me, though, wrapping her legs around my middle, catching me in a strong grip and jerking me once, like she wants to force the air out of me.

The effort is useless, but I commend it with a smirk as I press my hand harder against her head and decide to reward her. I slowly blow air into her mouth, and she sucks it in greedily. When my lungs empty… all that’s left is us, our kiss. Slow now, dragged out, our tongues drawing lazy circles around one another. Even here she tastes of honey and dreams, wrapped into everything that’s good in this world. Like she was made just for me. So, I savor her some more, until I think she forgot she was drowning just seconds ago, forgot she’s underwater, because she’s confused when we break the surface and the world screams to life around us.

“You son of a bitch!” Slamming her fist against me, she gasps for air. “You could have killed me!” she yells, the sharp sound almost unnatural coming from her. The noise of the waterfall drowns it, and others can’t hear her panic… or anger.

I catch her wrist as she attempts to slap me, but let the other one land against my cheek, just so I can grab the back of her head and crash my lips to hers all over again. She squeals against my mouth, but she can’t hide the lust that shudders through her when I bite her bottom lip.

“I could have, yes,” I say as I break the kiss.

Her expression falls. Reality gently settling in.

“No. You wouldn’t do that.”

“Why are you so convinced?”

She stills, slowly sinking. I pull her close, her ear near my lips.

“You said you craved more. I’m giving you…more,” I whisper.

Pulling away enough that she can look at me, her eyes flash somewhere behind me for a split second. A peculiar smile tugs at her lips, but it vanishes as fast as it appeared.

“How much more can you give?”

That wickedness is back in her eyes, and it sends a quake straight through me. I didn’t realize I released her wrists, not until she lets herself sink and disappears underwater.

I shake my head, and the spell of her gaze along with it, letting out a short cackle, then I follow her beneath the surface.

I can only see a few feet in front of me, if that, but she’s not here.

What the fuck?

How is that even possible? I whip around, trying to distinguish something through this darkness, but it’s futile. Did she sink too far? I let myself go, swimming farther, but the pool is not actually that deep. Where the hell is she?

I rise back to the surface, frantically searching for a trace of her, before I take a deep breath, ready to dive back under. But the witch is perfectly fucking fine. The water runs over her smooth skin as she walks out of the pool, right next to the boulder from where she dove in. I was right, she is a nymph, because how the hell did she swim so fast? She grabs her clothes and pulls her shoes on in a hurry, before joining her friend who’s waiting for her.

This is not fucking happening! Goddamn this woman!

I’m already swimming toward the shore, but she’s at the edge of the forest already. Then the little witch stops, turns to me, and even from this distance, I can’t miss the paradox of a smile she throws at me—both devilish and timid—before she disappears into the darkness of the trees.

I’m out, pulling my clothes on as quickly as I can, uncomfortable with how they stick to my damp skin, then look around for my brother. I finally see him coming back from the opposite direction the girls ran to and meet him halfway.

“They’re gone.”

“What?!” he questions, frowning.

“Just now. They grabbed their stuff and disappeared into the forest. Where’s Carter?”
