Page 57 of Dangerous Strokes

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“Stay quiet, baby girl, stay quiet. They might not know you’re there yet.”

“Ronan, I’m scared.”

“Just focus on me. On us. On the whole life that we have left to live together now that we found each other. We can do anything we want.”

“Like what?” I can barely hear her, she’s whispering so low.

“First, I’ll take you to Venator Castle, walk into the footsteps of your great-grandfather, since I hold the man responsible for meeting you. Without him and this painting… who knows how long I would have been wandering this continent looking for you.”

The commotion sounds even louder now, strong bangs frightening her, her breathing staggered, jumpy with every hit.

“A—And then?”

“Then we can go up north, beyond the hills of Venator, up in the mountains. Rent a cabin in the middle of the forest… chase you amongst the pine trees while you let out that songbird of a laugh of yours, before I eventually catch you and…”

I twitch, almost jumping in my seat when I hear a heavy bang and Annika’s muffled cry. They know they’re in there. They’re gonna get in. I can barely fucking breathe.

“Then we can go to the West Coast,” I continue, attempting to distract her, keep her calm. “Travel the length of it and hit every remote beach we can find, every hidden lagoon, and waterfall. We can spend every minute of every day swimming and floating around, as the sunshine, then the moonlight hits our skin.”

“You would do all of this, with me?”

“Not would, but will. The first time I laid eyes on you, I was sure you were the end of everything I’ve known up to that point. You’re my wicked beginning, the start of a life I never knew I needed. If I can figure out a way to find you even after we perish of old age, I will.”

She’s about to speak, but gunfire and a sharp scream interrupt her.

“Hanna!!!” Finn shouts from the backseat. He’s on the phone too.

“They’re shooting through the wall,” Annika sobs.

“Ben, for the love of all the fucking gods, drive faster!” I turn to the man, seething through gritted teeth. If he can find a goddamn way to fly, I need him to do it right now!

“They stopped. I heard shouting behind the wall.”

But heavy, loud bangs replace them. I can hear them disturbingly clear even through the phone.

“Bartiste doesn’t want to kill you. They wouldn’t want to risk shooting you and Hanna by accident.”

“You saw him…”

“Don’t think about him right now.”

“Where are you, Ronan?” Her voice breaks in such a tragic way

“On my way, I promise, I’ll be there in a bit.”

“You’re lying to me…”

I am…

“I wasn’t lying about everything I want to do with you. I want to see this continent with you, discover its hidden gems, discover all of yours too.”

“I haven’t had enough time with you. I need more.”

“You’ll have more.”

“I’m falling for you, Ronan.”

“I fell the moment I came for you and all I found was the painting of yourself you left for me.”
