Page 9 of Dangerous Strokes

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“Will do. What are you seeing, Ronan?”

“I’m not sure, but if I’m right…”

“Yeah, I’m still here. Why?” Finn startles us when he slams through the door, in response to my text.

“I think you might get your wish and see your darling Erika once more. But I’m not sure either of you will enjoy this meeting.”

I can’t pinpoint the look in his eyes—confusion, excitement, anger? Either way, I have a hunch that it matches mine.

“Ronan,” Carter warns. “What are you seeing?”

I turn to The Lady in White aka Lady Bournwell, making sure once again that my eyes aren’t playing tricks on me. They’re not.

“The color of her eyes…”


My damp skin burns underhis palm as he drags his hand down over my breast, without pausing to give it the attention it needs. Only a gentle squeeze, not enough before he moves down my middle, pushing his front against my back, steadying me with his firm touch on my lower belly. My body melts against him when he reaches my wet pussy, sliding a finger between my folds, spreading that wetness over my clit. Knees threatening to buckle, I don’t have time to steady myself before I’m bent over the table in front of me and he’s down on his knees behind me. I grab onto the edge of the wood, just as he spreads my legs and grabs my ass cheeks, opening me up to him. I’m shaking for different reasons now. When he blows against my center, my whole body shudders and the dirty sound that escapes my parted lips makes him growl. I know it’s coming, his tongue is so close to my clit, I can almost feel it, and…


“Ronan…” I moan.



“Babe, wake up. We have to go soon.”

My eyes snap open, and I look around me like the house is on fire. But it’s only Hanna here, watching me with a strangely suggestive look. Heat grows in my cheeks, but I turn and quickly jump out of bed, heading toward the bathroom.

“So… did you sleep well?”

“Yes, fine,” I mumble before shutting the bathroom door behind me.

“Just fine. Interesting.” I hear her muffled chuckling.

Fuck’s sake.

Was I moaning in my sleep? Oh God, this is mortifying.

Bracing myself against the sink, I’m met with the most serene face in the mirror. I’m not sure who that woman is, but she doesn’t quite look like me. The gray-blue eyes resemble a gemstone instead of the usual muted steel. She’s… glowing.

“It must be the humidity.” I roll my eyes at myself and turn the faucet on cold, before splashing enough water on my face to erase the lingering touches from that dream.

By the time I’m done, I know it’s not enough. It’s changed nothing, because every time I close my eyes, I can see his hand on my breast, sliding down my body, even the shock of the moment I’m slammed against the wood, bent over the table.

“Shower. I just need a shower. A cold one.”

I quickly turn it on, undressing as fast as I can, and jump straight in. Instant goosebumps rush over me, the water becomes like ice against my hot skin and, unfortunately those chills have the opposite effect on my pussy. It constricts so tightly around nothing but the memory of those fingers sliding between my folds, frustrated that I woke up before it got further.

“Focus, Annika. Focus!”

But how can I when this fantasy is fueled by adrenaline of my own creation?

Is he going to find me? Find us?

I need to get away from Hanna. She shouldn’t be involved in any of this. She’s going to kill me when she finds out what I’ve done. She’s going to ask me why and I have no concise answer.
