Page 44 of Rocking Her Silence

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I've done a pretty damn good job at learning to fingerspell, though, if I say so myself, and I can't wait to show her. Each fingerspelling sign is a letter in the English alphabet, and you can form pretty much any word with them. I've been practicing my fingerspelled alphabet daily, and I hope to bring our communication to a more personal level with it.

Mia passes me her phone, and I read the words on the screen.

“Carson, what are you doing here? How do you even know I was going to come down in the first place?”

I tap a quick reply.

“You know why I am here. And Penny told me it's your day off and that you always go to the grocery store at about this time. Really, you shouldn't keep such a predictable schedule, baby. It could be dangerous.”

Her eyes scan my words, and she snorts. The feeble sound is the cutest fucking thing I've ever heard.

She trusts the phone in my face.

“You sound like my brother! He's always telling me to change things up in my routine to fend off possible psychos. I didn't think I needed to. Obviously, I do now, thanks to you.”

I take the phone from her hand, my fingers deliberately touching hers.

“I'm glad your brother and I are of the same mind. Maybe it will earn me some points with him when we meet. What do you say?”

She types her reply keeping her lips pursed and making me want to kiss that peeved expression off of her face.

“I say two things. First, if my brother knew about this, he would drag your ass to jail. And second, I'm totally going to murder Penny the next time I see her!”

I chuckle.

“Now, don't be mad at her, Mia.”

She gives me a suspicious look.

“How did you manage to even persuade her to sell me out like this, I won't ever understand… she is such a sensible woman, usually.”

I shrug.

“It was pretty easy, actually. I simply told her the truth.”

She narrows her eyes at me.

“Which is?”

Mia motions for me to take the phone from her hand, but I don't do it; instead, I carefully fingerspell my reply.

'I told her that I'm crazy about you, Mia.'

For a moment, she stays perfectly still, her eyes large with astonishment, then she blushes an even deeper shade of dusky pink, one hand going to her mouth.

She fingerspells back, and I try to follow the fingering very closely, hoping to catch every word, but I miss most of it anyway.

I think I just got the first part of what she said right…

'Did you just…?'something, something.

I'm getting good at doing the fingerspelling thing myself, and I can do it pretty fast, too, if the words are short, but following her fingers as she spells at the speed of light is another matter entirely.

I flatten my dominant hand palm-up and bend the other one at a right angle and then use it to tap the middle of my palm, signing'Again', and then I place one flat hand over the center of my chest and move it in a circular, clockwise pattern, signing ‘Please.'

She taught me these two signs herself while we were having coffee together, and she seems really pleased that I remember them.

She is fucking glowing.
