Page 43 of Rocking Her Silence

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I've tried damn near everything to get her to agree to come on a date with me, but man, she's one stubborn little thing and holds fast to her belief that I just want to fuck and bounce or some fuckery like that.

I've made some progress in the last few days, that's for sure.

At first, most of my texts went unanswered unless I provoked a reaction in her —mostly an annoyed one— with some giant-ass stuffed animal delivered straight to her apartment, but she’s begun to open up a little. We can text back and forth for hours on end. And it's the best feeling in the world just talking to her, getting to know her. She's a tough cookie, for sure, but whenever I got the chance to peek behind her defensive walls, I saw how sweet and caring she could be.

The challenge is breaking down those walls entirely so I can reach her for good. But she doesn't let me. Not really.

We can talk and talk about anything and everything, but then, when I ask her to meet in person, she backs off.

I think she's a little scared. The feelings we have for one another are pretty fucking intense, and I get the sense she's a little inexperienced with men.

Not that I'm in a better position than she is when it comes to knowing how to deal with the things I hold in my heart for her.

None of my previous experiences can help me because I've never felt this strongly about a woman in my life.

The strength of my conviction that she's the one for me is insane, and this without taking into account that I've known her for a matter of days.

But I guess what they say it's true: when you know, you know.

The knowledge grips you by the balls and brings you down to your knees. It takes your fucking breath away and sucker-punches you in the chest all at once. I can attest to that.

Mia Bravo has been in my life for less than a week, and she owns me.

The only issue is that while I'm pretty sure she wants me, I'm also pretty sure she doesn'twantto want me.

I hate having to practically ambush her like this to see her. But, fuck it, I need this.

I haven't been able to take a full breath since my lips touched hers, and then she left me there, reeling at the sensations rushing through me as she ran out of that restaurant as if hell hounds were at her heels.

And it wasn't even that big of a deal as far as kisses go. There was no tongue action, and it only lasted a few seconds. Yet it was enough to get me hooked on her even more, and it felt better than anything I've ever experienced with anyone else.

I felt that innocent little kiss all over my body like an electroshock.

Fuck, it got my dick harder than rock and standing at full attention in less than thirty seconds, to the point that getting up from my chair to run after her would have been a bad idea unless I wanted to scandalize the masses.


I feel the little hairs on my neck rise, and I know why without having to check. Sure enough, when I look at the door again, there she is.

Golden cheeks flushed with a dusting of pink. Full lips shiny with a little gloss I want to lick off. Dark waves in a high ponytail that I would do anything to grip in my fist as I drive inside her. An emerald-green silky top tight over the roundness of her high breasts, the color bringing the speckles of gold out of the warm brown of her eyes even more. A pair of light jeans plastered to her deliciously luscious curves and some cute little black ballet flats.

She's so pretty, I can't stand it. She looks like a fucking vision. A fucking vision that looks kinda pissed off right now and is glaring my way.

I step away from the wall and greet her with a wave. "Hello, Mia."

She sighs. Shakes her head. Hesitates a bit and then waves back and meets me halfway as I walk up to her.

'Hi, Carson,'she mouths.

She also signs something. At first, her hands are open and standing parallel in front of her, then they move apart from each other, and finally, they stop when they reach her sides. After that, she makes kind of like a claw with one hand and makes some sort of grasping motion in front of her face. Once. Twice. Fast. Then she stops. Two words, I think. But I don't understand what she's saying.

Before I can ask about it, she fishes her phone out of her back pocket and starts to type on the screen.

Shit, I've got to get a move on learning ASL. I'm not sure I like talking with her in such an impersonal way when we're together, even if I have to recognize it does help to make our conversations faster than any other form of communication could right now.

Still, one thing is to text back and forth when we're apart, and another is not being able to have any eye contact whatsoever as wetalkthrough the screen of my phone or hers.

I've learned a few signs here and there, but there are hundreds of thousands that I don't know yet. It's a very complex language. I don't mind having to learn. I'm pretty eager to, actually. My little beauty is totally worth it. I only wish I could learn faster.
