Page 52 of Rocking Her Silence

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“Boys, can you tell Jared here why this is my favorite bass guitar?”

Sly gives me an odd side look. “Well, you build it yourself from scratch from one thing, and it cost a mint.”

“And it’s like a lucky charm... you performed the opening track of our first international concert on it. And you still open all our shows on it,” Rick explains.

“Anything else?” I ask.

My friends are looking at me like I'm some dumb fuck right now, eyes blown wide open.

Sly squints at me. “Uh… freaking Sting strummed on it for a bit that one time we met backstage at the MTV VMAs…”

I nod. “Yes… I fucking love this thing…”

I show it to Jared again, and he gives me a puzzled look. I turn again and bash the bass as hard as I can against the wall, metal strings whining painfully as they pop free from the tuning pegs.

My stomach lurches, and I feel a bit sick when I hear the crunching sound that the neck of the bass makes when it meets the wall. This bass is my most cherished possession in the world.

I let it fall on the floor as all around me chaos ensues.

“What the fuck are you doing, bro? Have you gone nuts?” Rick shouts.

Sly grabs my arm and stops me from stomping on the guitar. And when I turn to look at him, my eyes are so blurred with tears I can barely make out his face.

He murmurs an oath, practically in shock.

He knows that, normally, I would murder people if they just looked at my favorite piece wrong.

“That bass was priceless, dude! What in the world is wrong with you? Why did you break it?”

I take a shaky breath. “Actually, not quite priceless, man. Some fancy-ass auction house emailed me asking if I wanted to sell it… they estimated the starting price at three mil. Not that I was ever going to sell it…”

I turn back toward my bass and raise my leg again when I feel arms pulling me backward. They’re Jared’s.

I struggle against him and catch an elbow to the eye for my efforts. “Fuck!”

“Hey, come on! Stop! Carson, fuck! I get it! I get it! Shit! You mean it! You really do! I’m sorry, okay? I won’t doubt you again.Ever. Now stop, for fuck’s sake!”

My chest heaves up and down as I rub my eye. “You’d better.”

Jared shakes his head. “You are one crazy fucker, you know?!”

I take a step back, and my friends rush to my battered bass as if to rescue a fellow soldier fallen in battle, and I stare at Jared.

“I know. But only for her, man… only for her…”



I'm sitting on my sofa, knees gathered under me, book spread on my lap. I should be studying, but my mind keeps on wandering away from the topic at hand.

Wandering away… straight back to Carson.

Every single time I try to focus, he just appears in my mind. I see his face. His sexy little smirk. I see his beautiful eyes and how warm they get despite their cool color when he looks at me. I see his fingers move as they signM-I-A, fingerspelling my name, and my heart beats a little faster.

I see my own hands spelling his name back.

Keep seeing them…C-A-R-S-O-N.

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