Page 87 of Rocking Her Silence

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He was determined to stay awake no matter how much I entreated him to take a nap.

He insisted he was fine, but I know better than to believe him about this stuff. He needs to catch up on his sleep big time.

Carson loves being on the road and out-performing himself and everyone else in the world at every turn –much to the joy ofBurning 21’s gazillion of fans– and he is such a perfectionist that he never takes a minute off while touring.

His buddies are just as bad, unfortunately.

The lot of them are like machines fueled entirely by passion for music and a heavy dose of adrenaline.

My Big Grumpy might just be the worst of the bunch. He simply won’t stop going until he and his bandmates are surrounded by standing ovations left, right, and center, no matter the cost to his health.

While on stage, it seems like nothing can touch him. Fatigue, hunger, need for sleep, or stress are like shadows that pass him by.

It’s when everything is over that he crashes hard and ends up all jet-lagged, tired, and messed up for weeks.

Healthy, I know.

Usually, it's my mission to make sure that his crazy ass remembers to eat healthy, drink water, or, I don't know, sleep for more than two hours per night and generally not overdo it until he keels over like he's so eager to.

This time around, my exam calendar was yet again against us, and it kept me from touring with my man. Hence the poor state he and the guys are in.

I’msonot down with this crap.

Come hell or high water, this is going to be the last tour longer than a week that I miss.

I’m going to police the fuck out of his bad habits the next time we’re on the road, which means I’ve got my work cut out for me.

Carson’s personality doesn’t exactly lend to being taken care of and corralled when he’s all in the zone, and his brain is allrehearsal, rehearsal, rehearsal, but that doesn’t mean I’m not up for the job.

Sylvester and Richard are no help at all.

In fact, the two maniacs are impossible to keep in check, but I try to take care of them as well. My man loves the hell out of those two, and he thinks of them as his siblings, and now so do I. They are my family.

Not that I needed another set of overbearing, forbidding, protective big brothers in my life since Jared is still all over my case, but what’s a girl to do?

Right now, we’re headed to Los Angeles. The guys are needed there to record another music video. It’s going to be a mostly in-studio project. They’re going to film them as they perform on different types of stages. So, not too taxing, I hope.

I’m going to make sure all of the guys really take it easy, even if it means kicking their new PR manager in the shin or a little higher.

I liked him at first. According to the boys’ accounts of him, he was all fatherly with them, and it seemed like he really cared not only for their success –and his slice of the pie– but for their health and wellbeing too.

As it turns out, coming from the LA scene and all, he ended up simply being just a good actor. He knew what kind of person they were looking for and pretended to be exactly that.

I was immediately surprised at the number of interviews, appearances, and other shit he booked them for. Still, I figured only two months into the life of a Rock Star's girlfriend, I might not have a firm grasp on what constituted too much when it came to this type of thing, and since I hadn't met the guy in person until a couple of weeks ago, I couldn't really get a read on him.

My eyes are wide open to his brand of deceit now, and I’m going to make sure the guys wise up about his lying ass as soon as they’re all in the same place and caught up on some rest.

My man and I are going to precede his friends by a few days because I finally persuaded Sylvester to get his back checked out properly, and I sicced Richard on him to make sure he didn't just pretend to go see the specialist but actually walked into the doctor's office.

I really hope he gets the help he needs. Poor guy, he’s in so much pain sometimes, and he’s so stubborn about trying to hide it from us all.

We would have gone with him as well, but Carson had to be in LA immediately to take care of the contractual side of the band’s upcoming commitments.

I puff out a breath and focus on my man again, trying to relax into the seat and to let go of all the little and big worries crowding my brain. Carson, he is so attuned to me that I know for a fact he’s going to wake up any minute if my breathingsoundsstressed out to him. I have no idea how he does it.

I focus on his handsome, sleeping face, and I feel another grin pull at my lips.

I’ve got a nice surprise for him set up in the little bedroom in the back of the jet, and as soon as we stop climbing and reach cruise altitude, I’m going to wake him up.
