Page 90 of Rocking Her Silence

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There’s a big sea foam-colored silky bow wrapped around the body, just over the bridge pickup. It’s almost the same shade as his eyes. Couldn’t get it just right. I don’t think those peepers of his come in a color that can be replicated exactly.

It wasn’t easy to get the bass on board without him noticing, but with the help of his jet crew, it got done.

Carson turns my way, mouth almost hanging open. “Little Beauty, how…? Is that…? How? Fuck, I love you! You’re one of a kind, Mia! But really how… how did you…?”

His words run together, and his fingerspelling is a bit fudged; his eyes are large, pupils blown over in excitement and happiness. That’s how I know my surprise really hit the target, and I couldn’t be happier.

Before I can answer his questions, he shakes his head, then his face breaks into a big smile, and he turns toward me, picking me up and twirling me around, laughing and kissing me all over my face and neck, his hands splayed on my bottom to keep me snug to his body.

When he puts me down and rushes to pick up his bass and strum on it, I feel tears pool into my eyes.

He sits on the edge of the bed, the bass over his lap, hands stroking along the neck almost reverently, eyes studying every detail of the instrument closely.

When he glances back up at me, I see that his eyes are shiny. He is grinning from ear to ear and looking so impossibly handsome and happy that it makes my heart race.

“How?” he asks again, hands still on the shiny black body of the bass.

I’m too choked up to talk, so I just sign.‘I felt guilty that you had almost destroyed it to get my brother off our backs. I mean, it worked. You proved your point, and he trusts you because of it.And I can’t put into words what it meant to me that you would sacrifice something you loved so much for me…’

Carson gently lies the guitar over the bed and gets up again, coming to stand in front of me, his large hands cupping my face.

“Oh, baby… you had nothing to feel guilty about. It was my doing… and I would do it over and over again in a heartbeat.”

I smile at him, pressing a kiss on his lips. He kisses me back and then pulls away. He’s too curious to focus on anything else right now.

“Again, Mia, seriously… how did you accomplish this? There was no way another piece could be made exactly the same and so quickly…”

I giggle. “Well, after you introduced me to Sly and Rick, I kept in touch, and we’ve been working behind the scenes to have it repaired…”

Carson’s beautiful green eyes grow even bigger. “You mean that’s not a reproduction? That’s my… that’s actually my bass guitar?”

I nod, smiling. “Yes, it’s the original… I mean, some part of the neck couldn’t be salvaged and had to be remade entirely, but the body is the same. It just needed some TLC…”

He looks again at his bass and then down at me in wonder. “I can’t believe you would even think to do something like this for me, baby… I just…”

I shrug. “It was mostly Rick and Sly doing. I don’t have the contacts and the kind of money that the repair job required. You should thank them. I just came up with the plan… but I loved being a part of the process. I learned lots of cool things. Saving your bass was what I and the guys bonded over, to be honest.”

Carson strokes my jaw. “Then it makes it even more special to me. I’m so fucking lucky to have you and those two assholes in my life. A man couldn’t ask for more… or rather he could ask for one more thing… and then he would be absolutely, perfectly happy…”

I laugh, confused at his words. “That’s… that’s great, love. Not sure what you mean, but–”

He cuts me off with a single sign, “Wait here!” and then he’s off and running past me and back into the main cabin.

What the–?!

I’m not left wondering for too long.

Carson zips back into the room, looking a bit nervous all of a sudden.

“What?” I ask, and my heart starts to gallop in my chest when he brings the arm he was hiding behind his back in front of my face and opens his fist to reveal a dark blue box with anHand aWengraved over the top.

Oh God…

I gulp, my mouth going dry as I look from the box to my boyfriend.

“Carson?” I whisper, my hands shaking too much for me to sign.

He puffs out a breath and smiles at me, eyes shining.
