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“A Lego set!” Carter shouted. “Can we build it now?”

Landon shook his head. “Not now, we’re going to dinner. But later we can build it together.”

Hailey felt warm all over at the way he said “together” to Carter. She took a full breath for what felt like the first time in a long time. Tonight was going to be wonderful.

Hailey reached up to tuck a stray piece of hair behind her ear. Looking down at her simple pink top and dark jeans, she wondered if she should change. “I wasn’t sure what to wear.”

Landon looked over at her and smiled. “I think you look just fine. But wear whatever you’re comfortable in.”

She nodded. The outfit would have been fine for a family dinner, or taking the kids to a fast food place. But this wasn’t either of those things. What was it exactly? A date? No, not with three kids tagging along. Still, something in Landon’s tone this afternoon had told her it was important, and now he showed up looking like that. Hmm. She could have stared at him all night standing in her doorway. No, she couldn’t go to dinner in this outfit when he looked that good. “Give me just a minute,” she said. Without waiting for a response, she turned and hurried to her room. Once in her closet, she wondered what she would pick that might be appropriate. Most of her closet was full of jeans and T-shirts. Or work attire. Nothing said “fancy date night.” She bit her lip as she remembered something and pushed clothes aside until she reached the back of the closet.

There was one dress she had bought that she had never worn. It was a dress she wouldn’t associate any memory with Kyle. About six months ago, she had been browsing online late at night when she couldn’t sleep, and this dress came up on the screen. At the time, she couldn’t imagine anything she would wear it to, but something told her one day she would have a happy event to dress up in it.

She pulled out the deep red dress and held it up in front of her as she looked in the mirror. The bodice was silky, and the long sleeves were sheer red fabric. The skirt fell just below her knees in flowing layers, and she felt certain if she was a little girl, she would be tempted to twirl around in it. Yes, this was a happy event, and it was time. She slipped it on and only glanced in the mirror. The dress fit well, and, when she caught a glimpse of herself, she saw something in her eyes she hadn’t seen in a long time. Joy. Her smile grew as she realized that was exactly what she felt.

Pulling on a pair of shoes, she grabbed her purse and walked back to the living room.

“Wow, Mommy, you look like a fairy princess.”

Hailey heard Ellie’s words, but she kept her eyes on Landon. He looked up at her, and he put his hand to his chest.

She felt her cheeks flush as she lowered her eyes.

He stepped close to her and waited for her to look up. “Are you ready?”

She nodded. “Yes, I’m ready.” In every way.

As they herded the kids out the door, she reached in her purse and pulled out the keys and handed them to Landon.

“Really? You want me to drive?” he asked.

She shrugged one shoulder. “I don’t know where we’re going.”

“Good point.” He winked at her. “I’ll be careful.”

“I know you will.”

A few minutes later, they were loaded and heading to wherever Landon had planned. “You know, it’s kind of nice,” Hailey said.

“What’s that?” Landon asked.

“Having someone else make the decision. I’m happy to do it, but making all the decisions is just a lot. What time do we leave? What do we eat for dinner? What should everyone wear?”

“I’m great at making decisions,” Landon said.

“So are you going to tell me where we’re going?”

“Nope. You’ll find out soon. Why don’t you just relax?”

Hailey couldn’t remember the last time she had done that. Maybe she could give it a try. She settled back in the seat and took a deep breath. Watching out the window, she noticed they were driving away from Twin Creeks and towards the downtown area. Landon must be driving back the same direction he had just come from to get home from work. She was reminded for the millionth time that he didn’t have to be doing this. He could be enjoying his own dinner out somewhere, or sitting at home relaxing on his couch in the quiet.

The kids were talking excitedly in the back when they pulled into the parking lot of an upscale restaurant. She’d never been there before, but Kyle had been to dinner with a client there once. The knot in her stomach returned. “Are you sure about this?” She tilted her head in the direction of the backseat. “Really sure?”

“Absolutely.” Landon glanced in the mirror, as if he was checking to see if the kids were watching, before he reached over and gave her hand one quick squeeze. “I spoke to the manager, and they have a private dining room in the back. We can enjoy the time and the food, and we’ll be in an area where the kids are free to move around and talk.”

“Oh.” Hailey’s voice was barely a whisper. She never would have thought of that. What a creative idea. “Thank you,” she said.

“You’re welcome.” Landon grinned at her. “I want tonight to be special.”
