Page 12 of Love for the Cowboy

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“So God, I guess I’m asking, is it okay? Will you bless this plan we have to get married, even if it’s a legal arrangement to help her out?”

Garrett heard no audible voice answer, but he was sure in his soul this was the right thing to do. “God, I don’t know what You have planned beyond saying yes to this. But she asked, and I said yes. I’ll keep my commitment to her and to You. I just pray that this works and that she can keep the boys. After that, we’ll figure it out.”

With that settled in his mind, it was time to move forward.

He dressed in a clean shirt and jeans. He’d even sprayed on a cologne that he never wore. He’d practiced what he would say over and over in his mind for several days. Now as he headed to his parents’ house, he prepared himself for what their reaction might be. He would have preferred to sneak off for dinner without telling them, but the whole point was for people to see them going out.

He knocked his boots off before entering the house, then braced himself as he moved into the room where his brothers were waiting.

“Whoweee,” Jenson said when Garrett entered. “What are you all dolled up for?”

Garrett felt the heat in his cheeks and tugged on his cowboy hat.

“Yeah, bro,” Lawson agreed. “You even smell pretty. Not like the wet horse smell you normally have.”

Mom turned from where she stood at the counter and raised her eyebrows at him.

Garrett looked from her to his father who sat at the table.

“Well, son,” Dad said. “Are you going somewhere?”

Garrett glanced around the room and saw all eyes on him as the voices went silent. “As a matter of fact, I am. I’ll be taking Elise Hart to dinner tonight.”

Mom’s gasp was the loudest. “Really? Elise?”

“Woah, bro,” Lawson said.

“How long has this been going on?” Sawyer asked.

The brothers pelted him with questions. Garrett held his hands up. “We’ve been talking lately and decided we would like to take things to the next level.”

“Oh, I just knew I needed to send you over with that casserole,” Mom said, moving to Garrett’s side and hugging him tight.

Garrett’s stomach turned knowing his mom was so happy. Would she be happy if she knew the real reason? Sure, she would be glad he wanted to help, but he wasn’t sure she would approve of the finality of the decision and faking a marriage.

“Thanks, Mom. I better get going.” He would have gladly stayed for dinner instead. That would be familiar and normal. But there was nothing normal about what he was doing now.

A short while later, he pulled into Elise's driveway. A trip that was becoming more and more familiar. Before he could knock on the door, Elise opened it and stepped out.

“Oh, hey,” Garrett said, swiping his cowboy hat off his head and holding it in front of his chest like a shy school boy. “I was coming to the door.” His dad would have his hide if he thought he had expected a girl to come out and meet him.

“It’s okay.” Elise held up a hand. “The boys are watching a show, and the neighbor is here to sit with them. I thought it would be best if I snuck out.”

Garrett nodded. He guessed that made sense. But what did he know, he’d never been responsible for kids before. He turned and hurried to open the passenger door to his truck.

“Thanks,” Elise said, raising her eyebrows as if she was surprised by the gesture.

Garrett hadn’t been on a date in years. But he had always opened the door for his female friends. He wouldn’t stop just because they had already agreed to get married. “Of course,” he said before shutting the door and walking around to his side.

“Did you have a plan for where you want to go?” Elise asked.

“I know it’s not fancy, but since the point is to be seen together, I was thinking about the diner.”

“That sounds great. I actually haven’t been to the diner in ages. I cook most of our meals at home. It will be a treat to not have to cook. Besides, I’ve been dying for their cheeseburger and fries.”

Garrett chuckled. “You’ll be an easy date if that’s all you want.”

She shrugged. “I try not to be complicated.”
