Page 13 of Love for the Cowboy

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Garrett’s heart squeezed. She had been taking care of things on her own and not asking anyone for help for a long time. He would have to be sure she was taken care of tonight. “Well, just because you’re you, I’ll throw in a piece of pie.”

“Chocolate?” she asked.


She turned to look out the window, and Garrett heard her let out a big sigh.

“You okay?” he asked.

She nodded but didn’t answer.

Garrett drummed his fingers on the steering wheel trying to think of what to say. The silence between them lingered a little longer.

When she turned, he thought he saw tears in her eyes. “Thank you for doing this. I keep waking up, and I just can’t believe I asked. I know it’s not just a favor. It’s a big deal. A big life decision.”

“You don’t have to be sorry you asked.”

“Thanks. I’m just a little emotional. I haven’t left the boys like this since…” her voice drifted off, and Garrett knew exactly what she wasn’t saying.

“Since your parents.”

She nodded.

Garrett felt compelled to reach out and take her hand. His fingers tingled at the idea. Instead, he balled his hand up into a fist. “I’m sorry. I think it will be good for you to get out and have a break. The boys are safe at home. Just let me handle everything else tonight.”

Elise blinked several times before she quickly said, “I’ll try to do that.”

They were already pulling up to the diner, so Garrett flashed her a quick smile before he put the car in park and cut the engine.

She was out the door before he could make it to her side. But he held the diner door open for her. He tried to ignore the look of surprise on the hostess’ face as she greeted them. He hoped it was a happy surprise.

Garrett tried to act natural as he put his hand to the small of her back while they walked to a table. His heart beat at double time, and the touch sent a new sensation up his arm. When they reached the booth in the back corner, a spot known to be kept open for newer couples, Garrett slid into the seat across from Elise.

Just as Garrett opened his mouth to speak, Elise leaned forward with a terrified expression on her face.

“We can’t talk about any of the details for the plan,” she desperately whispered. “Someone might hear us.”

Garrett glanced around and saw the few people in the diner. Most were engrossed in their own conversations, and far enough away that they weren’t likely to hear anything specific. But Garrett knew she was right. He lifted the corners of his mouth into a gentle smile. “I know. It’s okay, Elise. We have plenty of other things to talk about.”

She furrowed her eyebrows. “We do?”

“Sure. We have a lot of catching up to do, and I’m sure we can talk about enough history between us and our families to keep the conversation going.”

Elise sat back in her seat and tensely nodded as she reached for the menu.

Garrett leaned back and carefully studied the menu, even though he already knew what he was going to order. The diner was the only place in town to get a meal, and even though he mostly ate at home, he knew what he liked between the few options available.

When the waitress came and took their orders, she was just a little too bubbly as she looked back and forth between the two of them. Garrett tried to ignore it, but also felt relieved that she noticed. That was the goal of this date. At least one of them.

When the waitress took their menus and left, Garrett cleared his throat before he began. “So catch me up. I know it’s been a lot the last few months. But tell me about before that. I know you went off to school, but that’s about it.”

Elise tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and folded her hands on the table. “That’s right. I was at college for three and a half years.”

“What did you study?”

Elise tilted her head and looked at him as if she was surprised he really wanted to know. “Nursing.”

“Really?” Garrett asked. “I never heard you mention an interest in that before.”
