Page 14 of Love for the Cowboy

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Elise shrugged. “I’ve always been interested in the medical field, but I’m not brainy enough to go to medical school. So I thought I would like being a nurse and helping people.”

“I’m sure you would be good at that. Although, I wouldn’t say you weren’t brainy enough. I’m pretty sure you won the science fair every year in middle school. And I wouldn’t have made it through biology class in high school if you weren't my lab partner.”

Elise laughed. “Now that is true. I seem to remember someone almost setting fire to the lab one day.”

Garrett held his hands up in defense. “Hey, can I help it if they gave us dangerous chemicals to work with? They should be labeled.”

“They were,” Elise pointed a finger at him, “You just didn’t listen to the instructions.”

“But you did. You took those detailed notes in your little notebook. You always were carrying that thing around.”

Elise ducked her head and rubbed her forehead. “I still do.”


She turned to the side of the booth and reached in her purse producing a pocket notebook and pen. “Everywhere I go.”

“That’s smart. I always thought you must be writing something really important on those pages. You must learn a lot that way.”

Elise dropped her gaze to the table, and Garrett felt like he must have said something wrong. Without thinking, he reached across and took one of her hands in his. "I'm sorry. I meant it as a good thing. I just thought it was studious.”

Elise stared at their hands for several moments, causing Garrett to pull away. “It’s ok,” she said when she finally looked at him. “Actually it’s because I’m afraid I’ll forget if I don’t write it down. The only reason I might have looked smart is because I took notes and spent hours reading over them. I still write down things because I’m a hot mess and can’t remember if I don’t.” She tapped a finger on the notebook she had laid on the table. “I have pages of reminders to do things like move the laundry, or don’t forget to buy milk at the grocery store. Some days it will be late in the afternoon, and I panic because I think I forgot to feed the boys lunch.”

Garrett chuckled. “Don’t worry about that. If they’re like every other young boy I’ve met in my life, there’s no way they’ll let you forget that.”

Elise barely lifted her mouth into a smile. “Thanks. You’re right about that. I’m serious, though. I have been known to forget important things, and it’s scary to be in charge of two kids and a household.”

Garrett blinked several times, surprised at her honestly and the vulnerability in her eyes. “Hey, it’s okay. You’ve made it this far. I know it hasn’t been easy, but the boys are fine. And you’re going to be fine. If you need a notebook to write things down, that’s okay. And Elise,” he waited until she looked up and met his gaze. “I’m here now. I can help you.”

Quickly she reached up to brush at the tears in her eyes. “You’ve done enough.” She motioned between the two of them. “This is more than I should ever have asked, but I don’t have another plan. So you don’t have to do anything else.”

“Well, it’s too late, you’re stuck with me now. I plan to help how I can, so I guess you’ll just put up with it.”

“Why?” Elise asked, and her eyes pleaded with him to tell her. “Why are you doing this?”

“Because you asked me to,” Garrett said plainly.

“I know, but why did you say yes? This isn’t what you wanted for your life. You’ve made that pretty clear. Why would you change your mind now?”

The question sent a sting of guilt straight to his heart. It hurt that she had seen how clear he had made it. He had stuffed those feelings down and tried to forget them, but the night he hurt her would never leave his memory. He shrugged. “You needed help. And it’s true what you said, I’m not looking for someone else or waiting to meet the right person. I can do this for you, and that’s what I’m going to do.”

Elise shook her head. “I won’t try to talk you out of it because I do need it. But you might be crazier than me to agree to it.”

Garrett smiled but it didn’t reach his eyes. “Tell me more about nursing school,” he said, desperate to change the subject.

As Elise spoke about her classes and what her plans had been before, Garrett felt more determined than ever to help her. And see to it that she got to fulfill those dreams one day.


Elise wrung her hands together as she stood in front of the mirror. She knew from the sound that she was breathing in and out, but she couldn’t seem to catch her breath. Any minute now, the doorbell would ring, and she would have to show the social worker around and answer all kinds of questions.

Thank goodness Garrett had come over and fixed the doorbell. At least they wouldn’t start off with a bad impression.

Maybe a drink of water would help. She started for the kitchen, but before she could reach it, the bell sounded. Without thinking, she called out, “Boys, let me get it. Remember, I need you to behave.”

It had been so hard telling them a woman was going to come and look at their living situation to make sure they were okay. She didn’t want to tell them someone might try to take them away to live somewhere else, so she skirted the issue and just said it was to make sure they were safe.

Elise sucked in as much air as she could and opened the door as she tried to paste on a smile.
