Page 26 of Love for the Cowboy

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Garrett was saying bye, but Elise barely heard him as she hurriedly hung up the phone. She didn’t want to leave room to talk about more than logistics. He knew where she was today, and she knew where he was. That was all they needed. Wasn’t it?

She had asked for a husband to solve her financial problems and her situation with her brothers. All she needed to do now was focus on living side by side with a man who wasn’t in love with her.


Garrett stood in the kitchen at the main house and looked up every time the front door opened, hoping to see Elise and the boys walk in. He hadn’t heard from her since that morning when they spoke briefly on the phone. He couldn’t be sure, but it seemed like she was trying to get out the door without seeing him, and then she hung up the phone without even saying goodbye.

He hated to admit it to himself, but he didn’t like it. But what was he supposed to say to her? That she should stay home and be a better pretend wife? That wasn’t what he wanted anyway. Was it?

As his brothers chatted in the kitchen, his thoughts were far from their conversation. What did he want? Was it all the things his brothers kept telling him were so great about marriage? Did he actually want a wife after all?

The door opened again and he looked up. His heart swelled to see her. Without thinking, he pushed away from the counter and moved toward her. He didn’t even think about his brothers watching as he wrapped her in a hug. How did it seem like days since he had been in her presence? And if these feelings grew, how would he ever get out of the house in the morning and leave her behind?

None of that mattered for the moment as he tugged her close. He would have held on if she hadn’t wiggled away to tell the boys to wash their hands before dinner.

She turned back to glance at him.

“Hi,” he said. “How was your day?”

Elise blinked rapidly as if she was surprised by the question. “Not bad,” she said. “We got a lot done at the house. But the piles of donations are stacking up.”

“If you’re up for it, we could go back over and work more after dinner. I’m sure Mom and Dad would let the boys stay here and watch a movie. We could tackle some of the bigger stuff in the garage.”

Again, Elise looked confused by the offer. “Um, okay, let me think about it.”

Garrett nodded and stepped back to let her have some space.

He caught a glimpse of his mom’s face as he walked back into the kitchen. She looked so proud and happy for him. Jenson and Sawyer had a similar look, but more goofy, like older brothers whose younger brother just figured out how to score on the basketball goal. Maybe if they were all this happy for him, he should give in and be just as happy for himself.

“Time to eat,” Mom announced.

Garrett reached for Elise’s hand as they moved to the line and only let go when she needed it to balance her plate. He followed her to the table and sat next to her, leaving no space between them.

After Dad prayed, they dug into their food, and everyone jumped into conversation.

“What are our plans for the Fourth of July?” Sierra asked.

“The church picnic is the Saturday before,” Grace said. “But I haven’t made any plans for the actual holiday, since it's in the middle of the week.”

“Sawyer, do you think the boss could give us enough time off to enjoy the holiday?”

Sawyer chuckled. His brothers liked to give him a hard time about being the one in charge of the ranch. “Actually,” he rubbed his hands together. “I’ve put together a little surprise.”

Katie sat beside him nodding and grinning like a Cheshire cat. “Can we tell them now? Please? I don't think I can keep it a secret anymore.”

“Yes, tell us now,” Jenson encouraged.

Sawyer held his hands up for quiet as everyone shouted for him to tell them. “I know it’s been a long time since we’ve had a real day off around here. We take turns and help each other out, but we haven’t done something as a whole family in…well, in I don’t know how long. I decided it was time. So for Fourth of July this year, we will all be taking a family holiday.” Sawyer finished with a flourish and waited for everyone’s response.

All the brothers sat in silence staring at him.

“Well, don’t everyone thank me all at once.”

Lawson scratched his head. “Thanks, Sawyer, that sounds great. But how exactly are we going to do that?”

“I’ve already hired day workers to handle things here, so we don’t have anything to worry about. We’re going out to Eagle Lake and spend the day on the water. Katie even arranged to rent a couple of boats for us.”

“That sounds wonderful, Sawyer. What a great idea,” Mom was the first to speak up.
