Page 27 of Love for the Cowboy

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Garrett looked around the table. The rest of the family still seemed stunned. “Day workers?” he finally asked. “And none of us will be here to oversee what they’re doing? Are you sure about that?”

“Yes, I am,” Sawyer said firmly. “We’ve hired day workers before.”

“Yeah, but only when we needed extra hands and never when all of us are gone.” Garrett scratched his head. “I think it sounds fun, but it’s hard to wrap my mind around leaving everything to strangers.”

“They aren’t all strangers. It’s guys that Riley Kennemer knows and recommended. Half of them go to church with us or grew up here. It will be fine, Garrett. Don't worry about it.”

Garrett slowly nodded and went back to eating his food. Only moments ago, his thoughts were consumed with Elise. Now he was considering bucking his brother's authority and staying home to work while the rest of the family took time off. How could Sawyer even consider this? Sure, holidays were fun, but wasn’t the ranch more important than that?

* * *

“Getpajamas on and brush your teeth,” Elise called to the boys as they ran through the front door. She turned at the sound behind her and saw Garrett jump out of his truck and shut the door.

He had surprised her with his greeting at dinner, and, for just a moment, she thought there was something changing between them. Then she remembered he must be putting on a show for his family. Still it felt nice. Until Sawyer started talking about hiring day workers for the ranch. Garrett didn’t have much to say after that, and he definitely wasn’t as cozy.

Elise didn’t wait to talk to him as she moved inside the house. The boys would be chaos, and that would be enough distraction that Garrett wouldn’t feel the need to make conversation. She left the door open behind her as she went inside. “Noah, Ethan, are you getting pajamas on?” she called in the direction of their room where she heard thuds and laughing.

There was a moment of quiet before they both yelled, “Yeah!”

Elise smiled as she rolled her eyes. They did try to behave. She just had to remember they were little boys with lots of energy.

“Hey,” Garrett said, coming up behind her. “You didn’t tell me you were leaving.”

“Oh sorry,” Elise said. “You were busy talking to your dad.”

“I thought we were going to let the boys stay with my parents, so we could go work on the house. They said they didn’t mind.”

She lifted one shoulder. “Yeah, I thought about it, but we were up really early. And I think we’re pretty tired out. The big stuff can wait anyway.”

“Oh,” Garrett almost sounded disappointed. “Well, I said I would do it.”

“I know. I appreciate it. Maybe another night.”

“Okay,” he said. He turned to remove his boots and set them by the door. Then he took his hat off and hung it on the hook in the entryway. He stopped and looked at her for a moment as if he wasn’t sure what to say next.

Elise jerked a thumb over her shoulder. “I’ve got to get them ready for bed.” She turned before he responded.

She found Noah and Ethan each half dressed and hanging from the top bunk. They sat up straight when they saw her walk in the room.

“Time for bed, boys. You were up early and worked hard today. Come on down and finish getting dressed.”

It was thirty minutes before she had them calmed down, teeth brushed, and lying quietly in bed. She had prayed for them and told them goodnight before she stepped out of the room and closed the door.

“Oh,” she gasped and put her hand to her chest when she looked up to find Garrett standing in front of her. “I didn’t know you were in here.”

Garrett extended his arms in the air. “Where else would I be? It’s a small house.”

She shrugged. “I thought maybe you went to shower or something.” As she said it, her gaze wandered from his head down his body. His hair was wet, and he wore a T-shirt and a pair of athletic shorts.

“I did shower.” He grinned. “I don’t takethatlong of a shower though.”

She put her hand to her head. “Yeah, they weren’t as tired as I thought they were. There was still a lot of energy.”

“Maybe they are overtired?”

“Huh?” Elise said, tilting her head.

“My mom used to say it all the time. Once we were tired, we might fall asleep, but if we pushed past that tired mark long enough, we got a second wind. She called it ‘crazy tired.’ Then we were impossible.”
