Page 29 of Love for the Cowboy

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Elise chewed at her bottom lip as she walked around the house.

Mrs. Blocton made her way through each room, carrying her clipboard and making notes. “And the boys will still be in the same school?”

“Yes, ma’am. In fact, Garrett has nieces and nephews who live here on the ranch that attend the school too,” Elise said.

“Mmhmm.” Mrs. Blocton nodded and scribbled some more. “And Mr. Macklin income is sufficient for the four of you?”

Elise scrunched her forehead, what did her father-in-law’s income have to do with them? Then it dawned on her. “Oh, you mean Garrett. Yes. I have copies of his paychecks if you need to see them.” She moved toward the drawer.

Mrs. Blocton accepted the folder of paperwork Elise had prepared. “I’ll add it to your file.”

“I included the boys’ last report card, and a note from the pediatrician.”

“Very good. And you said you’re moving towards employment for yourself?”

Elise nodded. “I’ve contacted the college about what I would need to do to finish my degree. Until I can pass my boards and look for a job as a nurse, I’ll be working part-time here in the ranch office. There’s information about that in the folder as well.” She breathed a sigh of relief that she had a satisfactory answer to that question. And silently thanked God again for the Macklin family and how they were taking her in.

Mrs. Blocton clicked her pen closed and tucked it into her clipboard. “Mrs. Macklin, it looks like everything is in order. Now that you’re married and settled, the department has no concerns about the welfare of the boys. We still have to answer the family member, since she was interested in seeking custody. However, I feel sure once we tell her the boys are well taken care of, and she likely won’t win since it would require removing them and moving across state lines, she will likely drop that case.”

Elise blinked rapidly trying to keep away the tears. “Thank you so much.”

Mrs. Blocton smiled for the first time Elise had ever seen. “I’ll give you a call after the decision is final, but I don’t see any reason it will change.”

Elise nodded, unable to say anything else. She followed Mrs. Blocton to the door and opened it for her. She swallowed hard and gathered herself to say “goodbye” before closing the door behind her.

She put her back to the door and slid down into the floor. Lacing her fingers together, she let the tears flow as she prayed, “Thank You, God.”

For several minutes she let herself cry silently. She could hear the boys playing out behind the house, and it was music to her ears. They weren’t going anywhere. Yes, their lives had changed forever with the loss of her parents, but she didn’t have to lose her brothers.

When she ran out of tears, she sniffed as she stood up. Before she did anything else, there was someone else she needed to thank.

In the kitchen she picked up her phone and pressed the button.

“Hey,” Garrett sounded far away and a little winded.

“Hey, are you busy?” She waited for a reply, but only heard muffled sounds. “I can’t hear you very well.”

There was another sound like wind blowing across the speaker, then a beep noise. “Sorry,” Garrett said, his voice finally clear. “I had it on speaker, and I was chasing a cow.”

“Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt,” Elise said.

“No worries. What’s up?”

Elise took a deep breath. “I just wanted to call and tell you that Mrs. Blocton came to see the house today.”

“Oh really.” Garrett sucked in a breath. “I’m sorry. Did I leave a towel in the bathroom floor?”

Elise chuckled. “I didn’t see one, but thank you for being concerned. Everything was fine.”

“So what did she say?”

Elise’s eyes stung with tears again. “She said everything looks good, and she believes the boys are taken care of. When she puts that in her report, she thinks my aunt will drop the case.”

“Praise God, that’s wonderful news, Elise.”

She wiped at her eyes. “I know. I’m just so relived.”

“Me too. Now you don’t have to worry about that.”
