Page 28 of Love for the Cowboy

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“Crazy tired. Yep, that sounds right.”

“Why don’t you sit down? You might be crazy tired yourself.”

Elise took his suggestion and moved past him to the couch where she collapsed. “No, I’m pretty sure I’m just tired. I could fall asleep right here.”

Garrett sat on the other end of the couch and rubbed the back of his neck. “I’m not sure I would recommend that. I’m still recovering from it.”

Elise turned towards him with her head leaned back on the couch. “Not the most comfortable?”

He shook his head. “Not for an entire night anyway. Maybe a nap.”

“I’m sorry,” Elise said, the guilt creeping up again.

He held a hand up. “No, I wasn’t trying to make you feel bad. I didn’t even mean to say it really. I didn’t mind.”

Elise sucked in a big breath and pursed her lips together as she blew it out. “How was your day?” she asked, hoping to keep the subject away from their sleeping arrangements.

“Pretty good. A lot of the usual, but after a few days away, it was nice to get back in the saddle again.”

Elise was quiet for a moment. Then a question she had never asked came to her. “Did you ever think about doing anything else?” she asked.

Garrett laced his fingers together and tucked them behind his head as he leaned back. “Well, for a little while, I considered a career as a professional hunter and fisherman.”


He chuckled. “Kind of. I loved hunting and fishing, and I wouldn’t mind doing it all the time. But it takes more than just being skilled at it. You have to have the kind of personality that sponsors want to pay to show people. That’s not exactly me.”

Elise smiled. “I like your personality, but I can’t picture you doing interviews with a camera in your face.”

Garrett grimaced. “Yeah, I would probably get in trouble.”

“Cowboying is more your speed. No one expects you to dress up and talk to people about how you do your job.”

“Are you saying you don’t think I get dressed up? You’re not a fan of plaid shirts and well-worn jeans?”

“I didn’t say that.” Elise’s pulse picked up at the thought of just how much she liked the sight of him in his work attire. “I like that you’re happy with your job, and that you don’t concern yourself too much with looks.”

He shrugged. “The cows don’t seem to care that much.”

Elise laughed. “No, I’m sure they don’t.”

Garrett’s forehead creased, and she could sense a subject change coming up. “Speaking of work attire, are you still hoping you’ll go to work wearing scrubs one day?”

Elise sighed and looked away from him. “I don’t know. It would take a lot of time away from the boys to finish my degree and take my boards. And then I don’t know what kind of job I would get that would allow me to drop them off and pick them up at school, not to mention summers. It’s something I wanted to do.” She shrugged. “But my life has changed, and I don’t know if that’s still in my future.”

Garrett nodded slowly as if he was thinking about it. “I just want you to decide if it’s something you want. Don’t think about if it’s feasible or how much time it will take. If you want to do it, we will make it happen. There’s a lot of people around here, and kids too. In the Macklin family, we learn to help each other out. If you need time to go to school, or help with the boys, then I’m here, and so is everyone else.”

Elise watched his facial expression as he spoke, and she blinked back tears. No one she knew was more committed to the people in his life. When he said they were part of the family, he meant it. “Thank you, Garrett. I’m still not sure what I want now, but I promise to think about it.”

“Just keep me up to date,” he said. “I can’t help if I don’t know what you need.”

Elise nodded and swallowed to keep the emotions at bay. “Right now, I think what I need is to get some sleep.” She stood and Garrett did the same. “I’m not sure I’ll be up before you tomorrow though.”

“I promise to let you sleep.”

Elise gave him a faint smile then turned and made her way to the bedroom. She wanted to be grateful that he cared enough to let her sleep. Still, her heart was heavy knowing that the man she called her husband was going to sleep and waking up in the same room, but so very far away.

