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Now, did I use girls?

Fuck no.

They knew what they were getting themselves into. My reputation followed me everywhere. I got more pussy thrown at me because of it. See, girls loved the bad boys. The ones they thought they could change, the challenge, the rule breaker, the game changer. The ones that fairytales were made of, the happily-ever-after’s where Prince Charming swept you off your feet and you rode off into the sunset looking deeply into each other’s eyes or some shit like that.


Every last bit of it.

I was sixteen years old. My parents just got me a brand new Jeep Wrangler. I came from a home with a loving mom and dad who went above and beyond for me. I had a group of boys that were like brothers to me. I didn't need a girl to love me. I didn’t need a girl expecting things from me. I just needed my cock played with because the best part of being me was that I was hung like a goddamn horse.

Now if you were in my shoes, would you settle for one girl?

Yeah, that's what I thought.

I did what any normal teenage guy would do. The only difference was that I wasn’t subtle about it at all. Why hide it? That’s what got you in trouble.

End of story.

But having a stranger, a hot-as-fuck stranger, call me out on it was completely new territory for me. Yet there I was, lost in thought about her. Except, I wasn’t thinking about her ridiculously, curvy figure that would usually have my cock standing at attention. It was the way she came at me with no fear that had my interest piqued. She had the damn balls to call me out on my shit. What people I’ve known all my life said behind my back, she had the backbone to say it right to my face.


A guy like me could appreciate that, yet I was labeled an asshole for it.

Not that I didn’t enjoy watching her pouty pink lips pucker every time she tried to hide the fact that I had an effect on her. I would even go as far to say she had an effect on me as well. Too many adolescent years spent stroking my dick to images of women that were shaped just like her in Playboy magazines. Her blonde hair lay perfectly against her huge tits. She tried to hide them with a modest-cut shirt that did nothing but the opposite. She stood her ground and glared right fucking at me, making me take in her bright green eyes that had a hint of brown in them. Not once did she cower or lower her intense stare from mine.

She smelled good enough to fucking devour. Honey and vanilla mixed together. My favorite.

The girl was a paradox of contradictions. Her demeanor screamed she hated me, but her body, her body liked me just fine. Which only made me want to get to know her that much more. I loved a challenge as much as the next guy.

“She got to you, didn’t she?” Jacob asked, pulling me away from my thoughts. “Well, I’ll be damned. I never thought I’d see the day. Someone got through to your icy prick—”

“Jacob, stop watching all those Disney movies with Lily or I'm going to have to start buying you tampons. I'd really hate to have to punch a girl in the face,” I mocked.

I may have hit a sore spot there, bringing up Lily. She was Lucas’ baby sister and seven years younger than us. I swear the girl was a spitfire. She was a kid, a youngin’, only nine years old, who was desperately in love with Jacob. Had been her entire life. Jacob though, was oblivious to it. It was his subconscious way of protecting himself from the little girl in pigtails in front of him. The same little girl, that would one day turn into a woman right before our very own eyes and eventually carry Jacob’s balls in a jar.

In the years to come, it would be like Lucas and Alex all over again, history repeating itself, and karma knocking Jacob right in the fucking mouth.

“Her name’s Aubrey,” he announced out of nowhere.

“What?” I glanced at him, pulling into Alex’s parents’ restaurant to meet up with the rest of the boys and Half-Pint.

“You heard me.” He grinned like a goddamn fool. “Aubrey Owens to be exact, according to Kayla.” He showed me his text message. “Oh, she’s a freshman, fresh meat just the way you like them, asshole. She moved here from California with her mom or some shit. Do you want me to get her address too? Maybe you guys could braid each other’s hair.”

I chuckled. Everyone fucked with me because of my hair that sat just above my shoulders, especially my mom. I’d had long hair ever since I could remember. It was blonde, but turned white over the summer from surfing and constantly being in the sun and saltwater.

“I get plenty of pussy on my own, Jacob, which is more than I could say for you.”

“What can I say? I have high standards. I don't go around and fuck everything with a hole. By the way, tell your mom I said hello.”

“Not before you tell your sister Amanda she's the best I've ever had, you sick son of a bitch.”

“Touché, motherfucker. Touché.”

Lucas and Austin were already surfing by the time we walked into the restaurant. Alex sat at a table with her notebooks spread out, writing in her binder. On a Friday afternoon, it was normal to see Half-Pint doing her homework like the good girl she was. She was very bright.

All of us boys were like brothers from different mothers. Alex being no different, but there was no telling her she wasn’t one of us boys. She was like our little sister. We all looked out for each other, even when we didn’t need to. Old habits die hard, that was true when it came to meddling in things that were none of our business to begin with.
