Page 57 of Unforgettable

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“Juliette has designed her Met Gala outfit. She’s here for a final fitting.”

“Wouldn’t such a huge actor have her designer go to her?”

Tamara gives a snort of laughter. “Juliette goes to no one.”

As we wait for Portia Livingstone to arrive, I get caught up in the office excitement and stare at the elevator door. As it dings its arrival, excited gasps and whispers of, “she’s here” echo around the room. The doors slowly slide open and out steps Portia Livingstone. Tall, slender, with dark blonde hair that hangs in silky waves to her waist. Wearing tight, black leather pants, an oversized white t-shirt, and gold accessories. She’s more beautiful than on the big screen. Her entourage steps out from the elevator behind her.

Flora, the receptionist, picks up the phone and says to Portia Livingstone, “I’ll let Mr. Alessi know you’re here.”

At the mention of Finn’s name, my heart gives a little leap. Will that ever stop? With the actor here, there’s no way I can sneak into his office for a quick kiss.

“Thank you,” Portia Livingstone says. While she waits for Finn, she glances around. Surely she must be uncomfortable with everyone standing around staring at her. They aren’t even pretending to be busy doing something. Portia smiles, waves, and greets everyone with a sincere nature about her. It doesn’t look fake or forced.

A moment later, Finn saunters from the office to greet her. My heartrate kicks up a notch. This man gets me more excited than any famous actor ever could. Finn smiles at Portia, places a hand on her waist, and kisses her cheek. Propping a hand on his shoulder, she giggles at something Finn says to her. After their greeting, Finn rests his hand on the small of Portia’s back and guides her to his office, closing the door behind them. All without glancing at me for a quick, secret smile. Anything to let me know he’s aware I’m around. Now he’s alone with a beautiful woman, and I’m out here like I’m part of her entourage. Now that I’ve gotten him back, I never want to lose him again!

What am I thinking? He wants me to move to London with him. This is just work. Nothing more. Although, they looked rather friendly.

“If you keep staring at Finn’s door, you’re going to burn a hole through it,” Tamara says from my side. Her words startle me, because I’d forgotten she was there. “Come with me.” She clasps my bicep and tugs me into her office.

“Take a seat,” she says, pointing to the chair opposite her desk. Tamara takes her seat. “How are you? I’ve been so busy with work lately I haven’t had time to check in with you.”

“I’m good. Things are getting better. I’m feeling better.” And it was true. Normally, I had to pretend that my life was wonderful and joyful, when inside it festered with sadness and loneliness.

“I’m glad to hear it. Have you talked to my sister? Or anyone? You don’t have to answer that if you don’t want to. You can tell me to mind my own business,” she says, pushing her orange glasses up on her nose.

I know Tamara isn’t being nosey. She genuinely cares about my welfare. “Yes, I’ve given your sister a call, and we’ve spoken a couple of times. She’s great. Thank you so much for giving me her number. She’s helped me a lot.”

“I hope she’s given you the friends-and-family discount, otherwise I’ll kick her ass,” she says with mock seriousness.

“She’s been very generous. Thank you.” I’ll always be forever grateful for Tamara’s help.

“You’re welcome. Now—” She taps her hand on the desk. “What’s going on between you and Finn? Again, you can tell me to mind my own business.”

I tell her about how we’ve been spending time together and that we have talked. That Finn’s forgiven me, and we’ve made up and are giving our relationship another chance.

“I’m so happy for you. I hope it all works out.”

“Thank you.” I hope so too.

“Oh, you haven’t started work yet and you’re already taking a break.” Bianca’s sarcastic tone slices through the room.

I rise from the chair. “Sorry.”

“She was helping me with something,” Tamara lies. I smile my thanks.

“Well, she’s needed in Juliette’s office.”

Great. Another day starting off with Bianca already pissed at me. I say goodbye to Tamara and follow Bianca.

When we reach my desk, Bianca says, “Go to Juliette’s room. After Portia’s fitting, her stylist will meet you there to pick up the gown. You’ll need to dress it on a mannequin and place it into the box that’s there. Wear gloves. Donotmark it. Donotcrease it. Don’t evenbreatheon it. Understand? God, I don’t know why I’m letting you do this.”

If she’s so worried, why doesn’t she do it herself? “If you don’t trust me, maybe you should pack the dress.”

Bianca tosses her head back like she’s offended that I can give her an order. “I don’t have the time. Hurry, they haven’t got all day to wait for you.” With that, she leaves me at my desk and enters her office.

I glance at Finn’s closed door. Is he still inside with Portia Livingstone? If so, what are they talking about? Is he bending her over the desk like he did with me last night?

Oh God! What is wrong with me? I’ve never had this jealous streak with Finn before. Maybe it’s because, at one point, I was the only woman he’d ever been with. Things changed, and I need to get used to it.
