Page 60 of Unforgettable

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Backinmyapartmentas I’m pouring coffee into a mug, someone knocks on the door. I have a sneaking suspicion I know who it is. Finn asked me to stay in the office while he spoke with his father, and I didn’t listen. After hearing mumbled parts of their conversation, I couldn’t stay and face Marco. Not when I know what he did to his wife. How could he choose his mistress over his wife? She laid in the hospital for hours before she died. Were they not in love and their relationship was for show?

Still, he should have been there for his sons. That man is the reason I can’t tell Finn the whole truth. Because if Finn knew his father had cheated on his mother while she lay dying in a hospital bed, Finn would lose his mind. Marco was a piece of shit, but he’d always been a good father to his sons. Always in their lives, supporting and loving them. This news would crush Finn. Crush his brothers. He’d cut his father from his life.

After hearing him tell Finn to stay away from me, I wanted to storm into Finn’s office and confront Marco. Expose him for the man he really is. It took an enormous effort to stop myself. That’s why I couldn’t stay. I didn’t want to be responsible for ruining their relationship.

I open the door. Finn is leaning on the doorjamb. His jacket is gone. The top three buttons of his navy shirt are open, and his hair looks tousled, like he’d run his fingers through it. He’s so handsome he takes my breath away.

“Can I come in?” he asks.

I move aside so he can enter and close the door behind him. “I’m making coffee, would you like a cup?”

“No, I’m good, thanks.” He slides his hands into his pockets. “You left the office.”

I lace my fingers together in front of me. “Yes.”

Finn frowns. “I told you not to.”

“I know.”

“Why did you leave?”

Not wanting to tell him the real reason, that I wanted to expose Marco, I keep quiet. God, I hate keeping this secret from him. We’re starting over. Things should feel fresh and new, and yet, it feels like I’m carrying a heavy load on my shoulders.

Finn sits on the armrest of the sofa. “You heard me talking to my dad about you, didn’t you?”

That is the truth. I nod.

“He’s not happy we’re back together,” Finn says.

Probably not for the welfare of his son but for the secret I can expose.

Holding onto my hand, Finn guides me to his lap. When I sit, he wraps me in his arms. “Don’t worry about Dad. I’ve told him what Derek made you do. Once he calms down, he’ll see it wasn’t your fault. He’ll come around.”

There is no way Marco will ‘come around’, not with such a dangerous secret hanging over his head.

“Maybe I should give him space for a while. He almost lost you. Blamed me for your accident. Seeing me will only bring back those memories.” It will also stop me from blurting out the truth to his face.

Finn frowns like he doesn’t like the idea. “Sure, when you’re ready we’ll work something out.” Probably sensing my tension, he rubs his hand along my arm. Ducking his head to look right into my face, he asks, “Are you okay?”

How can I be? If things work out between us, Marco will always be in our lives. Every time we’re in the same room, I’ll never be able to look at him with nothing but disgust. Surely, Finn will pick up on the animosity. I’m so conflicted. If I keep the secret and Finn finds out, I’ll risk losing him again. If I tell him, his relationship with his father might end.

It’s too much for me to think about right now. All I want to do is savor the feel of Finn’s warm, strong arms holding me. Pressing myself against him, I take comfort in his embrace. “I am now. I don’t want to be anywhere but in your arms.”

“I’ll always hold you.” He kisses my temple.

Please, let that be true.

We lay naked on my bed among the tangled sheets. With my head propped up on Finn’s chest, I snuggle as close as I can get to his body. I listen to the rapid beating of Finn’s heart. Only moments ago, we were as close as two bodies can get, and yet, I still need to be glued by his side. Being together is a dream come true. I can’t do anything to ruin it again. That might mean keeping Marco’s secret. Can I really do it?

Finn’s fingertips ghost up and down my spine. “You’re quiet.”

I tilt my head up to look at him. His eyes are half-mast with after-sex sleepiness. A slight dark stubble is breaking through his jaw. A lock of hair has fallen over his eyes, and I reach up to brush it back. My heart swells with love for him. “Just enjoying the moment.” And I was, until dark thoughts crept into my mind.

“Happy?” His finger glides over my bottom lip.

When we’re together? Always. “Yes. Are you?”

Finn hesitates for a beat. Tucking a lock of hair behind my ear, he says, “Never did I think I’d be truly happy again. Things in my life made me content. That was good enough for me. Then you stumbled back into my life. For years I thought I hated you. Tried hard to hold on to that belief. But when you look at me…touch me… I know I’ve been lying to myself. You make me happy. You always have.”
