Page 75 of Unforgettable

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Dropping to my knees in front of her, I rest my hands on her legs. “What I have planned won’t put a hair out of place.” I toss the skirt of the dress to her waist and slide my hands up her smooth thighs.

“Finn, we can’t. What about the driver?” Her legs fall open, making her protest sound weak and unconvincing.

“He can’t hear or see anything with the privacy screen up.” I pick up her left leg and kiss her calf. My tongue slowly glides to her thigh, and I hover over her pale blue lace covered pussy. Her head falls back on the seat, and she tilts her pelvis up toward me, giving me permission. “Relax and enjoy the ride.”

Arriving at the charity event, Harper steps from the limousine and smiles like the cat that ate the cream, looking extremely relaxed. My planned worked. Anything to make my woman happy, I’ll do it.

When we step onto the red carpet, journalists call my name and cameras flash in front of our faces. Harper’s hand grips mine. I whisper in her ear, “Are you okay? Do you want to leave?”

She smiles reassuringly but doesn’t ease off on her grip. “I’m fine.”

Soon Met Gala questions are fired our way.

“Did you steal Matteo Blanchett’s design?” one reporter asks.

“No. Someone stole it from Juliette Monet. This is another of Ms. Monet’s creations,” I say, gesturing to Harper’s dress. “As you can see by this stunning dress, Ms. Monet has too much talent to steal from anyone.”

Cameras flash blinding bright at Harper to capture the gown. She smiles at them. Not looking at all as uncomfortable as I know she’s feeling inside. That’s my girl!

“Who did it?” another reporter yells.

“I don’t know. We’re looking into it.” I never reported Bianca’s involvement and won’t release it to the media. It would be too messy. I’d rather forget about her and the shitstorm she created.

Once I have enough of answering questions, I usher Harper inside.

“Are you okay?” I rub a hand down Harper’s back.

“Yes. It wasn’t so bad. Do you think they believe you didn’t steal the design?”

I shrug. “They’ll believe what they want. There’s nothing I can do about it. When Juliette’s collection comes out, they’ll know who needs to steal designs. Matteo’s designs won’t come close.” I tap a finger on her nose. “We’ve made an appearance. We can slip out the back and go home if you like.”

“Maybe we should do a lap of the room first and show off this gorgeous Juliette Monet creation.”

That’s a good idea. With my peers in the room—if they have any doubt, it’s a good idea to remind them how good Alessi Fashion is. I hook Harper’s arm in the crook of my elbow and enter the ballroom. Soft gold walls shimmer in the light of crystal chandeliers. Pillars of floral decorations are meticulously placed around the room, filling the air with their sweet scent. We mingle with the other guests, and it doesn’t take long to learn who they believe the thief is. They all know Blanchett Fashion House is declining and he’s clutching on for dear life.

When Harper and I are in a quiet area of the room, I let out a long breath I didn’t realize I was holding. Even though I had faith in our designs and reputation, it’s a relief to have the industry on our side.

Harper squeezes my hand and smiles brightly at me. “Alessi Fashion is, and will always be, on top. They know it wasn’t you. I’m so proud of you.” She gives me a quick kiss on the lips.

As long as Harper is by my side cheering me on, I can get through anything. God, I love her. I want to get her home and ask her to marry me as soon as possible. Make her mine forever. I can’t wait much longer.

Something over my shoulder grabs Harper’s attention. Her face screws up with anger. “They have a lot of nerve showing up here! How can they show their faces after what they’ve done?”

I turn to see Matteo walking into the ballroom with Bianca on his arm. “Because Matteo thinks the industry believes him. That’s how conceited he is.”

We watch them as they make their way around the room. One by one, people are lifting their noses up and turning their backs. It’s obvious they’ve shunned Matteo.

“It looks like it’s confirmed who everyone believes,” I say. “He’ll be lucky to work in fashion again. I kind of feel sorry for him.”

Harper’s eyes widen. “You do?”

“No. He deserves everything he gets.”

Harper giggles. “You’re bad.”

“I want to get you home and show you howbadI can be, but I see my dad and brothers coming over, so it’s going to have to wait a little longer.”

She sighs with disappointment.
