Page 24 of Dr. Harley

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I sigh. “Remember the random guy I had sex with on the roof of the club right before school started?”

“Best sex of your life guy?”

“That’s the one.”

“Yes, but I thought you didn’t know each other or exchange any information.”

“We didn’t. Imagine my surprise, when two days later I walked into my neurology class, and the stranger that I let bang me on the roof of Club Liberty turns out to be the best spinal surgeon in the country, and my neurology professor for the year.”

“Oh shit.”

“Oh shit is right.”

She looks confused. “And you’ve been banging him since? You really haven’t seemed like you’ve been getting laid on the regular. Certainly not withMr. Best Sex of My Life.”

I put my head in my hands. “No, I haven’t had sex with him since that night on the roof. We met after class that first day and mutually decided to keep things professional. We were both in a bit of shock over the circumstances but agreed to keep it quiet and keep it in the past.”

“Good. That’s what you should be doing. So, what’s the problem?”

“The problem is that we’re insanely attracted to each other. The attraction takes on a life of its own. We’re both powerless against it. We’ve had so many near misses. There were a few times in the fall semester that we found ourselves alone in the lab and almost kissed.”

“And then this past Saturday night he was at the club we went to.” I blow out a breath and close my eyes. “My nipple was in his mouth, and he was about thirty seconds away from penetrating me in the alleyway when the police showed up and we had to run away.”

I turn back to her. She looks shocked. “Aunt Cass, I can’t fucking control myself around him. I’ve never been like that with anyone. I’ve never felt this way. I’m pretty sure he feels the same. I think that if I gave him the green light, we’d be together. I don’t think he cares about the propriety of it anymore. The attraction is that powerful.”

“Shit Harley.”

“Yea.Shit Harleyis right.”

She’s silent in contemplation for a moment before she looks at me. “You know I’m all for free love, and be with whoever you want, but women like you can’t bang their professors.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“You know exactly what it means. It means women that look like you, and have a body like yours, need to be twice as smart, because everyone just assumes you’re using your good looks and banging your way to the top. Lucky for you, you actually are twice as smart, but you can’t also bang the professors.”

I put my head down on the bar. “I know. I’ve told him this. I’m not sure he totally gets it, but he at least tries to respect it. He really does. Sometimes we just lose control. It’s like our bodies need the other. We have no control over it.”

“How much longer is he your professor?”

“Just a few weeks. The school year is almost over. I won’t have him for anything next year.”

“You still can’t be with him next year. You get that, right? Your grades will always be questioned if you are. Your integrity will be questioned.”

“I know. I’ve also tried explaining that to him.”

“Try harder. You need to tell him it’s never happening.”

“I’m trying. I really am.”

“You’ve worked too hard to have it all flipped on you. You’d become the two-dollar whore that most people probably think you are.”

“Thanks for that.”

“I’m sorry, but it’s the truth.”

“I know. It’s just so unfair.”

“It’s incredibly unfair. It’s complete bullshit. But that’s just the way it is.”
