Page 61 of Dr. Harley

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“It is. Hi Nelson, how are you?”

“I’m okay.”

“Did Julian graduate today?”

“He did. He’s taking pictures with his mom right now. We have to rotate our photo opportunities. God forbid we should do it together.”

That’s a shame. Now it’s kind of awkward. “Well, congratulations to Julian. Please tell him that we said hello.”

“I will. Is your mother here?”

“Yes, she and Jackson moved up to get a few pictures of Skylar with her friends. We’re hanging back waiting for them to finish.”

“Oh, she’s still with Jackson.”

“Umm…yes. They got married a few weeks ago.” I’d assume he’d know this.

He looks like his head is going to explode. What’s that about? “Oh right. I think I saw them get engaged on the news.”

I laugh. “Yep, that was them.”

“Have fun celebrating Skylar. Tell your mother that I said hello.”

“Will do.”

Reagan turns and looks at me. “That was strange, right?”


Just then Aunt Cass comes up to us. “Was that Nelson?”

“Yes, and he was acting weird.”

“He is weird. I can’t stand him. I never understood why your mother used to hang out with him.”

“Now that you say it, she’s completely stopped seeing all of those guys. She used to watch football with them every Monday night. Do you know why? Is it because of Jackson?”

“No, it’s because Nelson professed his undying love to her, so it got a little awkward.”

Reagan and I look at one another in surprise. “Really? When did that happen? We had no clue.”

“It was shortly after she started seeing Jackson. Nelson went all caveman on her when she told him about Jackson. He told her he was in love with her, and some nonsense about her belonging with him. She was pretty upset about it, but I think Jackson helped her through it.”

“Jackson is a God send. She never said anything to us about it.”

“She’s a mom. Her job is to protect you from the bad. And yes, Jackson is a Godsend.”

She looks around. “By the way, your mother asked me if you’re seeing someone. Harley, you’re clearly a changed person over the past several months. It’s obvious even to people without a sexth sense.”

“You mean a sixth sense?”

“No, I mean a sexth sense. I have a keen and intuitive sense for sex. It’s my sexth sense.”

“You’re ridiculous.”

“Whatever. Anyway, she knows something’s up. I’m really not comfortable lying to her. I need you to tell her.”

“I was planning to talk to her later today. I’m inviting Brody to meet everyone on Memorial Day at their party.”
