Page 76 of Dr. Harley

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He’s looks at Reagan, clearing inferring that she leaves so he can get out of bed, but she just smiles. “Go ahead. I don’t mind.”

I push her out of my bed. “Go turn on the coffee machine. I’ll be out in a minute.”

“Ugh. Fine. I’ll go. Why do you need to deprive me of a little eye candy?” I roll my eyes and shake my head.

She leaves my bedroom and closes the door behind her. Brody rolls on top of me and kisses my neck. “I love waking up with you.” He kisses me a few more times. “Let’s move in together to make sure we have this every single morning.”

I stretch my arms above my head. “Okay.”

I think I’ve shocked him. “Okay? No resistance? No excuses? Just like that?”

I cup his cheek and smile at him. “Just like that.”

His eyes light up. “Great. I’m going to call a realtor to start searching for places near the hospital.”


“You’re awfully agreeable this morning, Dr. Lawrence. It’s kind of bizarre.”

I laugh. “I feel like the weight of the world has been lifted off of our shoulders. I have everything I want. For the first time in as long as I can remember, I simply feel content.”

“Good. Let’s keep you that way. I like content Harley.”

I run my fingers through his hair. “Brody, yesterday ended nearly four years of battling obstacles to be together. There are no more walls to climb. No more hurdles to jump. We’re through them all. We came out on the other side, and we’re still together. We made it.”

He dots kisses all over my face and neck. “I love you, Harley. Our open, happy life begins today.”

He’s right. What an amazing feeling. I smile as I hold him close. “Yes, it does. I love you too.”

He gives me one last long kiss and gets out of bed. “Are you coming into the hospital with me?”

“No, I’m not due in for a few more hours.” Dr. McCrevis called me immediately after the hearing to invite me back to the hospital.

“I’m going to sit with Reagan for a while and then maybe get some more sleep. Between the events of the past week, and my animalistic boyfriend, I’m exhausted.”

“Rest up. Your animalistic boyfriend will be ready for another round tonight.”

I lick my lips. “Yum. That sounds good to me.”

He reluctantly leaves to take a shower while I throw on clothes, and head into the kitchen.

Reagan is sitting there with two coffee mugs. She hands me mine. “Thank you.”

“You look awfully happy and relaxed, sis. I honestly don’t think I’ve ever seen you this way.”

“I have no reason not to be. It’s a really nice feeling.”

Brody comes out looking showered, fresh, and gorgeous. He says goodbye to Reagan, kisses me goodbye, and walks out the door.

Reagan watches him leave. “He really is very good-looking.”

I give her a dreamy smile. “I know.Allof him is good-looking.”

She laughs. “So, what’s next for you guys?”

“He actually asked me to move in together this morning.”

“What did you say?”
