Page 90 of Daulton

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I pull her hair hard as I lick and suck my way up her neck. “Oh god, Carter. Keep fucking me. Don’t stop.”

I can feel her walls start to convulse around me. I’ve never in my life felt anything better than I do right at this moment being inside the woman I love. This crazy woman who I know I will spend my entire life loving.

My spine tingles and my balls tighten. My stomach is contracting. As soon as I hear her final screams of ecstasy, I squeeze her hard and thrust deep into her a few more times. My vision blurs as I let go and come hard. Very hard.

We’re both still moving though beginning to slow down. We’re breathing heavily. I kiss her one last time before I bring my forehead to hers. “You.” Breath. “Are.” Breath. “Fucking.” Breath. “Insane.” Breath.

She pulls her head from mine and smiles at me. “You said you needed to fuck me right away. I was just giving you what you wanted, honey. I’m a very attentive fiancée.” She smiles again.

I narrow my eyes at her. “You changed into a dress and weren’t wearing any panties. You planned this entire scene the minute my bike arrived today.”

Her eyes dance, and she bites her bottom lip. “I told you I like bad boys. I needed to make sure you’re really one before I fully commit.”

We both laugh. I reach down for her dress and help her put it back on, along with her jacket.

With our foreheads again pressed together, she rubs her fingers through my hair. “Are you feeling okay about today? It’s definitely a lot to take in.”

I nod. “I am now.” I smile. “Actually, I’m starting to see exactly how this needs to go down.”

“Yep. I’ve got a few ideas myself.”



It’s been two months since that day in the attorney’s office, and the unforgettable ride home. We decided to wait and let the investigation into my father happen before I assert my ownership right. We didn’t want him avoiding the public humiliation he deserves.

Reagan and I mutually made that decision. It also gave us time to make plans to ensure that this plays out exactly how we want it to.

But today is finally the day. Reagan is right by my side, and I’m by hers. We walk into the office building hand in hand. It’s my first time here since the day I resigned, and I realize that I’m looking at this place differently. I used to walk in with a sense of dread. Today, it’s excitement. Excitement for what the future holds.

The board is publicizing its findings in about twenty minutes. Whatever goes on here between my father and me right now, those finding will be made public. He’s about to receive it from all sides, just as he deserves.

Reagan and I walk into his office. He looks up from his chair. “Ah, my quitter of a son.” He looks at Reagan. “It’s nice of you to give him the time off from his job working for you.” He laughs.

I smile at him. “Thomas,” I won’t call him dad ever again. “I’ve learned more working for Reagan the past two months than I ever did working for you.”

He scoffs.

“Remember rumors of a trust kicking in on my thirty-fifth birthday?”

“I guess your grandfather wasn’t as forward thinking as some thought. He was always soft like you. He had no real vision for what this company could be.”

I smile again. “We’ll get to my grandfather’s vision in a minute. I wanted to be the person to let you know you have only a few minutes until news of your disgusting behavior breaks and the board officially ousts you as the CEO. There were dozens of women who came forward. I know because I helped track them down.”

Thomas waves his hands. “There’s no proof of anything.”

“Actually, some do have proof, but regardless, there’s strength in numbers. They all have very similar stories.” Thomas looks unimpressed. “Back to my visionary of a grandfather. Therewasa secret trust. Daulton Holdings, and every single thing owned by this family, is now all mine. As of five minutes ago, your name has been removed from everything. You control nothing and no one.”

His eyes widen and his spine stiffens. “Bullshit. I would’ve known. I have ears everywhere.”

I took extra precautions to make sure he didn’t find out what was coming. I hold up a stack of papers. “All mine.” He looks shocked. I’m about to shock him more.

I grab Reagan’s hand and kiss it. “Thomas, you’ve met mywife, ReaganLawrence?”

I notice his jaw clench. “I see you got married. Thanks for the invite. If she’s now your wife, isn’t she ReaganDaulton?” He smirks.

I smile and kiss Reagan on the lips. “No, Dad. I’m taking her last name.” He looks like he’s going to vomit. We’re actually going to both hyphenate, but he doesn’t need to know that just yet.
