Page 101 of Secret Squirrel

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Rae sighed and pulled out a bag from her carry on. It was just a snack size and the disappointment on Fox’s face was evident.

“Rae, I thought you knew me better.”

“This was all I could fit in my bag. Be happy with what I give you.”

A grin split his lips. “Aww, you know I could never stay mad at you. Come here!” He wrapped her in a hug and hauled her off her feet. She punched at his back, but Fox held her tightly to him. Finally, he released her and snatched the bag from her grip.

“Come on, we’re going to miss our flight.”

He turned and walked in the opposite direction.

“Fox, our flight is this way,” Rae shouted.

“Not anymore!” he called over his shoulder.

“Come on,” she sighed, taking my hand and pulling me behind them.

“What’s going on?”

“With Fox? No one ever knows.”

We rushed to keep up with Fox. He was practically skipping through the airport, and most of the passengers fixed him with curious stares. Thankfully, we were far enough back, they didn’t seem to notice us.

“Is he always this crazy?”

“This?” she asked, her eyebrows shooting up in surprise. “Hardly ever.”

“Thank God,” I muttered.

“It’s usually worse. This is a particularly solemn day for Fox.”

“This is solemn?” I asked, looking at the man who started singing some song I’d never heard as he continued on his merry way. I’d never seen anyone act quite the way he did. Even at the bar, he was loud and a little crazy, but I guessed I hadn’t seen the worst of it. “What does it look like when he wants to kill someone?”

“He’s usually a little more cheerful.”

I tried to ignore that as we followed him through doors where security guards nodded at us. This part of the airport clearly wasn’t for regular passengers. This was where the elite people came when they wanted to fly without anyone knowing they were there.

“Fox, why aren’t we taking the flight Cash booked for us?”

He snorted, turning around to walk backward so he could talk to us. “That’s insanity. I don’t fly commercial. I can’t handle other people on planes. They drive me insane.”

“I have to agree with him. I can’t stand listening to kids scream.”

“Oh, no. Kids are cool. I can’t get enough of them. It’s the other ones you have to worry about. Like those bastards in first class that are too good to move when you have to take a piss. They look at you like you’re causing so many problems by needing to get up from your seat one fucking time. And what about all those people that don’t like show tunes? They criticize you for singing on the plane and trying to bring joy into other people’s lives. Fucking ridiculous.”

“Yeah, those bastards,” I said, trying to commiserate with him.

I figured if I was agreeing with him, maybe he wouldn’t subject me to his singing. I hoped it was backward logic or something.

“But the worst part is that I can’t bring my throwing knives on the plane.”

“Do you need them?” I asked stupidly.

His eyes widened as he stared at me in horror. He slowly turned his head to face Rae, and he pretty much stopped moving. “I thought you said he was a Ranger.”

“Alright, let’s just get on the plane,” Rae said, physically turning him around and pushing him toward the plane. We walked out of the building to the private plane. Scottie was just boarding, but he didn’t look all that happy to be here.

“Scottie, how did you get roped into this?” Rae asked.
