Page 20 of Shipwrecked Curves

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My hand covers my abdomen without me realizing it and I yank my hand away just as Hayden looks over at me. “I’m deliciously happy,” I tell my brother honestly.

He laughs and kisses the side of my head before heading off to explore the festival with the family. Hayden’s eyebrows pull together as he watches me, probably because I can’t keep the tears from pooling in my eyes. I miss all of them so much, but this is also the place I’m supposed to be.

That doesn’t mean it’s easy to be away from my family and everything I knew before. I wouldn’t trade it and I don’t regret it, but sometimes it hits me.

Okay. Truth? This could be hormone induced.

Hayden’s voice is worried as he rushes over to me and grips my shoulders. “Are you okay, Trouble? What’s wrong?”

I wipe a tear away and smile up at my man. “I’m fine. I just got emotional for a moment. I’ve missed everyone and now they’re here.”

Amelia, who is married to Beckett Banks, a tattoo artist, and the unofficial matriarch of the family, happens to walk by at that moment. She stops and winks. “I think we’ll be back pretty often. This place is amazing.” She studies my face and then gives my shoulder a squeeze. “It was time for you to find your own path and your own home. We’ll always have your back, though.”

“I know,” I assure her, honestly, with a smile.

Before I can say anything else, her eyes widen and she starts to move before shouting, “Ridge!”

I watch as she goes and stops her eldest child from getting himself into trouble. It’s not only the kids you have to keep an eye on with this family, but some of the adults too. I shake my head and look up at the man I love again.

“I have something to tell you,” I whisper, feeling like this is the right time, the moment I’ve been looking for over the last week.

“Okay,” his eyes have a wariness to them. I know he’s been worried that my family would come to visit, and I’d want to leave with them.

I grip Hayden’s hand and bring it to rest on my lower abdomen. I can see confusion in his eyes as I take a deep breath. “I’m pregnant, Hayden. You’re going to be a dad.”

He freezes and worry starts to seep in before his lips break out into a huge smile. “Are you serious?”

“I wouldn’t joke about this,” I assure him.

Hayden snatches me against his body, lifting me up, as he lets out a few whoops that attract a lot of attention. By the time he puts me down, the entire family and almost everyone else at the festival are surrounding us, wanting to know what’s going on.

My cheeks are starting to hurt from smiling so much, but my smile drops when Hayden drops down to one knee in front of me. My hands cover my mouth as I gasp.

“Bristol,” his voice is gruff, and it reminds me of the first time we met, “I love you so damn much and now you’re making me happier than I ever thought I could be with this news.” His hand covers my belly and I hear a few gasps in the crowd around us. “I was going to ask before you told me, I was just looking for the right time and I think I found it.”

“I was waiting for the right time too,” I whisper. I swallow around the lump in my throat, unable to look away from the man in front of me, the man I love. “Ask me. You always have a truth with me,” I tease him, and he smirks.

“Will you marry me, Trouble, and keep making every day of my life an adventure?”

“Yes,” I breathe out.

With his ring on my finger and his baby growing inside of me, Hayden kisses me until I’m breathless. Just the way I like it.
