Page 20 of My Fake Boyfrenemy

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To say the studio is getting nervous is like saying the Titanic ran into a tiny patch of ice.

Which is why I won't be able to help out at Josiah's center anymore. The studio is fine with me being gay, just not doing things that aretoo gay. Whatever the hell that means. I'm sure it's spelled out somewhere in the fine print of the fourteen-page civility contract I had to sign.

Josiah and I head inside and make our way down the hall to his office. "Do you remember what I promised you when you opened your first center?"

A slow smile spreads across his face. "I do."

I stop walking. "Well, I meant it. I swore that when I made it, I'd buy you a center. Well, I'm about to do just that, fingers and toes crossed. Once those checks start rolling in, I'm buying you a building so you can continue doing the incredible work you do."

Josiah leans against the wall. "You don't have to do that."

"But I want to. You're the first friend I made when I arrived in LA. You've been there for all my ups and downs, and there have been seventeen years of downs before I finally hit an up. I am doing it."

He rolls his eyes, pushing off the wall. "Fine. You can buy me a building. On one condition."

"Which is?"

"Hux and I booked in at a fancy resort this weekend in Florida, but we can't make it."

I frown. I've never liked Josiah's husband, Huxley, so I try extra hard to keep my voice neutral when I ask, "Is everything okay with you guys?"

"No. But I'm not ready to talk about it." He chews his bottom lip for a moment before going on. "Since the suite is already paid for, why don't you go instead?"

"Hmm. Let me think about it." I tap my fingers on my chin, exaggerating the gesture. "My best friend is going through some heavy shit in his marriage and you expect me to go away on a vacation and pretend everything's fine?"

He smiles, but it barely lifts his lips. "You can't do anything for me right now. Once you get back, then we'll talk."

"You promise?"

Josiah nods. "Yes. In the meantime,"—Jesus, he's persistent—"let me tell you about this resort." He lifts a finger as he emphasizes each point. "It's LGBT. It's clothing-optional. You can have a weekend of fun." He wiggles his fourth finger excitedly. "And the owner is a good friend of mine. His name is Leo Carter, and he is one of the best men I know."

"Yeah, I'm not sure." I run a hand down the back of my neck. "It still feels weird."

"Rove. This could be your last chance to do something like this. Once the movie comes out and takes over the world, you'll lose all privacy and control over your life.Forever. If the studio doesn't like you coming here, they sure as shit won't be thrilled with you going to a gay resort. You're going to be hounded by the press and followed wherever you go. Heck, you won't even be able to order your own Starbucks anymore."

"Well, when you put it like that."

"Let me put it another way." He lowers his voice. "When's the last time you got laid?"

I glance around. Charge is standing too far away to hear, and there's no one else in the hallway, but still, I don't need everyone knowing about my love life. Or, to be more accurate, my severe lack thereof.

"Um, let's see… What year is it?"

Josiah groans. "I knew it was bad, but calculating last-had-sex in years? Yikes."

"When have I had the time?" I counter, maybe a little too defensively. "The film shoot took three months. Before that, my life was consumed with auditions, learning lines, helping out here, and trying to keep my head above water so I could, you know, make rent. That doesn't leave much time for anything else."

Yeah, keep telling yourself those are the reasons why you're sexless and loveless, Rove.

"All the more reason why youneedthis weekend," Josiah insists. "Think of it as your last hurrah. Get some ass. Get some cock. Clear out the ol' pipes. Have some fun."

"Ever considered a career as a Hallmark card writer?"

Josiah grins. "And did I mention Leo?"

"You have. What's so great about him, anyway?"

"You'll see for yourself. He's a top-tier human being. Successful. Funny. Smart. Down to earth. A couple of years older than us, but still smoking hot. Everyone loves him."
