Page 35 of Reactant

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Peyton groaned, a mixture of lust and frustration. It wasn’t that he couldn’t get out of Will’s hold; Will was strong, but Peyton was stronger. He just didn’t want to. He wanted to give Will everything. It had been a little while since it had been just the two of them like this, and as much as he enjoyed every moment with Sebastian and Quinn, this was important too. Having this closeness with just the two of them together, having all of Will’s focus on him, having all his focus on Will. Peyton didn’t want to give Sebastian or Quinn up—what they were building was becoming important to him—but he didn’t want to give this up either. He wouldn’t sacrifice one for the other. Their individual relationships had to be just as important as the one they were growing together.

Will buried his nose in the hair around Peyton’s jutting dick, inhaling deeply.

Fuck.Peyton’s feet arched as he cradled the back of Will’s head. A strangled gasp escaped his mouth as Will licked a line up his dick before sucking the tip into his mouth. He swirled his tongue around, pushing it into the slit before releasing it and kissing and licking his way down his shaft again. He took Peyton’s balls into his mouth, rolling them around and sending lines of pleasure rolling through Peyton. Peyton twisted too sharply as lines of pleasure rolled through him, and a twinge ran up his shoulder.

Will paused, lifting his head. “Peyton?”

“It’s fine,” Peyton said roughly. “Don’t stop.” He coaxed Will’s head back down, moaning as those talented lips wrapped around him again. He was so focused on Will stroking him and sucking on him like Peyton’s cock was his favourite treat that he jerked in surprise when a finger circled his rim.

Peyton’s mouth fell open on a silent gasp. He bent a knee, exposing himself to Will.

A calloused palm slid up his thigh, Will’s strong hand holding below his knee while he crawled back up Peyton’s body. Will pushed his knee out more and settled between his legs, fitting perfectly. Despite their height difference, they had always fit together, like their bodies had been made for one another. Liketheyhad been. Will had been part of his soulright from the start. From the moment he’d woken up hungover in an unfamiliar bed to find water and painkillers waiting beside him and the pleasant aroma of cooking bacon and coffee filtering in from the kitchen. Will had fed him, made him laugh, and snuck in between his ribs almost instantly.

He needed Will inside him.

He flung his arm out, feeling another twinge from the other side that he probably needed to stop ignoring, and fumbled the nightstand drawer open. He twisted his neck, craning to see. He found hand cream first and threw it on the floor before finally finding the tube of slick and a condom wrapper.

Will plucked the lube from his hand and poured a generous amount over Peyton’s dick, making it twitch at the sudden cold. He wrapped a hand around him, spreading the lube as he slowly stroked him from base to tip until Peyton thought he might go mad if he didn’t come soon.

Will took Peyton’s lips in a soft kiss at the same time he slipped two lubed fingers into his ass. He hadn’t even noticed Will get them slick, he was so focused on what Will was doing to him.

Will timed his strokes with every thrust of his fingers, and Peyton could only hang on, Will’s tight muscles bunching and moving under his palm, exhaling tiny pants of breath as he was turned inside out.

By the time Will had prepped him with three fingers, Peyton had forgotten how tobreatheand was nothing but an incoherent begging mess. He was aching in places he didn’t even know he could ache, desperation tugging at him like fingerprints on the most sensitive places inside him.

Peyton’s fingers dug into Will’s muscles as the tip of Will’s dick circled his rim, teasing and tempting him. He pulled Will forward, silently urging him on.

Will pushed inside with a long, low moan that vibrated in Peyton’s mouth. He bottomed out and settled against Peyton’s body, his heated skin searing Peyton in a way that had his dick throbbing eagerly. He remained still as he kissed Peyton over and over with short soft kisses that made Peyton feel like he was floating, high on the taste and feel of Will.

“Will, please—” Peyton gasped, dizzy with lust. “I need—” He tipped his head back on a groan as Will pulled all the way out, the tip of his cock teasing his hole again. He feltempty,and that was not what he needed.

Will smiled indulgently and kissed the underside of Peyton’s jaw. He sucked a spot that made Peyton gasp as pleasure erupted in his belly. “I love doing this,” he whispered hoarsely.

“Doing what? Driving me crazy?” Peyton tried to push his hips up to get Will to fuck him, but he couldn’t do much without risking twisting his shoulder too much. Will had all the power here, and they both knew it.

“Yeah,” Will said. Peyton could feel the grin against his skin like a physical caress. Will pushed back in as he hiked himself up enough to kiss Peyton’s cheek, his temple, his eyelids when Peyton’s eyes closed. “Having you like this. You’re a warrior, Peyton. You’re strong, capable, dangerous. When you surrender to me like this, when you let me in? There aren’t enough words in the English language to describe how much of a god I feel.”

“Maybe you should learn a second language?” Peyton suggested. His words were full of levity, but the joy in his heart was anything but. Will was a warrior, too, even ifhedidn’t see it. And Peyton would get to his knees and worship Will if he asked. He would surrendereverything.And outside of the bedroom, Peyton would destroy anyone who wanted to hurt him.

Will nipped the curve of his jaw. “Maybe.” He slanted their lips together as he rocked in and out, starting a slow, steady pace.

“You’re treating me awfully fragilely for a warrior,” Peyton teased. “Are you planning to fuck me or…?”

“Shh,” Will said, the corner of his mouth quirking. “You’re an injured warrior. Let me love you.” He straightened and grabbed a pillow, propping it beside Peyton’s shoulder and giving him support there. “Okay?”

Peyton licked his lips and nodded slowly. It was more than okay. His shoulder didn’t hurt. He wasn’t sure they’d ever fucked like this. Slow, deliberate.Making love.

Will cradled the back of Peyton’s head as he moved in and out, slow enough that Peyton felt every inch of him pressing in and then leaving him empty, only to do it over again. He couldn’t look away from Will’s beautiful brown eyes. He could see every thought, every emotion, in the depths of his gaze.

Will had it wrong. It wasn’t about whatPeytongave to him. It was about what Will gave toPeyton.No one else got to see this. They saw the sweet kindness that Will gave to everyone. But this? This was his alone. He might be sharing it with Sebastian and Quinn now, but they felt so much a part of them that it didn’t feel like he wassharing,only expanding.

Will kissed Peyton so tenderly that butterflies swam in his stomach, and light brushed his heart. He didn’t once falter, fucking Peyton with steady, sure thrusts, pleasure building like waves growing to form a tsunami, his body reaching for that inevitable end.

“Are you close?” Will asked, his face strained as he kept pace.

“Yes,” Peyton panted. “I just need—I need—” He cut off with a frustrated growl. It wasright there,and he just needed one more—Will changed the angle of his thrust, hitting the spot inside him that made him see stars. He cried out Will’s name, white noise blanketing him as he came, coating them both.

Will pulled out of him, ripped off his condom, and took himself in hand, finishing with one hand braced on the bed beside Peyton’s hip. His cum splattered across Peyton’s abdomen, on top of Peyton’s own. He leaned forward, breathing heavily as he mixed it with his fingers, spreading it across Peyton’s skin, heat in his eyes.
