Page 59 of Reactant

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“They were.” Jericho checked his watch. “They left the premises about an hour ago and went to Sebastian’s. Sebastian joined them half an hour later, and they haven’t left.”

“Are you just watching all of us?”

Jericho licked his lips and glanced at Quinn as he went through a two-lane roundabout with ease. “At the moment? Yes.”

“Why is that?” Quinn asked.

“Your association with Sebastian. The case that’s on your desk. William’s proximity to you. Peyton involved himself when he killed Howell and Derrick. We’re keeping an eye on all of you, but Sebastian is the one that needs protecting. You can all handle yourselves.”

“Why is Peyton not on that list?”

Jericho shrugged nonchalantly. “Could be anything. They know they couldn’t get to him, and if they did, surviving is optional. Peyton is a lethal weapon. They also might not know he was involved. We cleaned up that mess and…” He grinned at Quinn. “We’re professionals.”

“At what?” Quinn snorted.

“At all sorts of things.” His fingers brushed against Quinn’s thigh as he switched gears, and Quinn knew he had done it on purpose. “I’d be happy to show you.”

“I’m taken.”

“I’ll take them for a ride too,” Jericho replied easily.

Quinn’s dick twitched in his pants involuntarily. “You couldn’t handle us.” Christ, was that his voice?

Jericho bit his bottom lip, his restrained smile promising sin and pleasure. “Perhaps. But what a way to go.”

Quinn refused to engage in the conversation any further. He wasnotimagining the four of them tangled with this man.

Because that was beyond ridiculous.

Chapter Seven

Jerichohadneverexperiencedsuch a sexually loaded drive before in his life. He was better at controlling himself than this. He could find someone visually appealing without wanting to touch them. Six and Greer were sexy men, and Moira was one hell of a woman; he spent most days around them, and he’d never even beentemptedto go there.

Touch was all he could think about as he drove through Sydney under the glaring streetlights. He wanted to get his hands all over Quinn. Wanted to feel that beard against his inner thighs. Every time he saw a badly lit road or an empty driveway that had no lights, it took all of his self-control not to pull into one of them and demand Quinn take off all his fucking clothes. Hell, he could keep them on as long as Jericho could get that dick out, climb on, and ride it in the seat.

Suits didn’t even do it for him, yet in the span of two days, he’d wanted to peeltwomen out of their tailored suits. Slowly. With his teeth. Two men who were datingeach other. He was sure he’d made more questionable choices previously, but he couldn’t think what any of them were.

If he thought for a second that Quinn would be interested—if he didn’t have three sinfully sexy men at home waiting for him—then he didn’t think even the strongest control he had would be enough to stop himself. Jericho hadn’t been able to stop himself flirting, but he drew the line at homewrecker. He had to draw it somewhere, faint as it was.

“How much danger is Sebastian in?” Quinn asked into the heavy silence.

“It’s a good question.” It was an excellent fucking question. The guy in Dane’s house was the first lead they’d had in days. A useless fucking lead, but a lead. Whoever the fuck was pulling the strings was keeping themselves well hidden. They’d gotten Benny killed in prison, but they hadn’t made a play for “Warren” again. Police records hadn’t confirmed the name of the victim in the fire, or even thenumberof victims, so maybe they were waiting to see if they’d caught all the flies in their web? Jericho didn’t like not having answers. “We’re working on it.”

“That’s supposed to help put me at ease?”

“Oh, I’m sorry,” Jericho said. “I didn’t realise you wanted lies and pretty words.” He slowed to a stop at a red light and twisted in his seat. He stretched his arm across the back of Quinn’s seat, his fingers tickling Quinn’s nape. “He’s not in any danger,” he said, pitching his voice low, looking for that—right there. Quinn’s pulse jumped, and his pupils dilated. He was unbelievably sexy. No wonder the lawyer had been panting after him for so many years. What an idiot to have let him go the first time around. “I promise.”

Quinn glanced at his lips, and Jericho deliberately trailed his tongue across his bottom lip, getting it wet.

“Change your mind about the backseat?” If he wanted to call his guys so they could watch, that was okay with him.


He was lying. If Quinn had permission from his men, he’d have Jericho on his back in seconds. Jericho’s gut clenched, and his dick pulsed with purewant. He wanted them both: Quinn and Sebastian. He wanted them to fucking wreck him. Hell, their ex-soldier and TOU cop could join in too. They were all fit and too handsome for their own good. He bet the four of them together were an inferno. Burning up in that would be worth every second.

Jericho let the tips of his fingers rest on the warmth of Quinn’s skin, just for a second. He soaked it in, the pleasure racing up his arm and making his stomach flip. He made himself let go, focusing on his driving again.

“We’re working on it,” he repeated, returning to the original question. “He’s stubborn, but I’m here to keep him safe.” He double-checked where they were and made sure he went left at the right turnoff.
