Page 74 of Reactant

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“Is that all you want? Some casual sex while you’re playing bodyguard?”

“I don’t ‘play’ at anything,” Jericho said. “I’ll keep him safe while he’s in danger.”

Normally that would have sounded cocky, but Peyton knew in his gut that Jericho could back it up. The way he’d handled the body, the unflinching loyalty he’d shown to Hunter, and the ease that he’d spoken about taking a life? Those weren’t things to be taken lightly. Peyton looked at Jericho and saw himself. A more rugged, sexier version, maybe: that hair and beard really worked for him.

Underneath, though, they were the same.

How did Jericho live with that? Peyton wanted to know. Needed to know.

He wanted to get his hands on Jericho, wanted to taste him. He also wanted tolearn. He yearned for something that would help him. He wanted to be able to live with himself, live with all the things that he’d done and not have them drown him.

Jericho didn’t look like he was drowning. He looked like he wasthriving.

Thriving and a goddamn flirt.

“And us?”

Jericho’s slow once-over had Peyton’s nipples hardening against his T-shirt.

His attention shifted momentarily as he felt Quinn and Sebastian approach him from behind.

“That’s up to you,” Jericho said, spreading his arms wide as he looked past Peyton. “The ball is in your court. I’m at your mercy.” The half-cocked smile said that it was a place he enjoyed being. Peyton wanted to put him on his knees and choke him on his dick.

“What’s up to us?” Quinn asked.

“I’m only here until we find out who’s doing this. Once we bury them, I leave,” Jericho said, sounding so sure that would be the end result. There wasn’t any bitterness in it, or regret, or any of the number of things that Peyton would have tasted if he’d spoken of taking a life.How?The desperate need to know almost overtook his lust for the man.

“It’s up to you whether we have some fun while I’m here,” Jericho finished.

“That’s all you want? Just some fun?” Sebastian asked.

“Are you expecting a marriage proposal? I’m not interested in joining your…” He gestured between them. “Whatever this is.”

“Our D-train,” Will happily supplied, his eyes sparkling as they wrinkled at the corners.

Jericho’s smirk was small and mischievous. “Your what?”

“Don’t ask,” Quinn said.

“I want to ask.”


“But see, that just makes me want to askeven more.”

“It means dick train,” Sebastian said.

Jericho threw his head back and laughed. Peyton was mesmerised by his Adam’s apple and the way his throat worked as the pleasant sound surrounded them.

Peyton had found women and men other than Quinn and Will attractive before, even while he’d been exclusive with Will—unintentional exclusivity, but exclusivity all the same—but nothing like what he’d felt for Sebastian when he and Will had met him in the club. And not like this. This was nothing like he’d experienced before with anyone other than the men in this room. They were all watching Jericho like a hawk, and it was powering the lust and electricity running through him.

“That’s a new one. I’ll have to remember that.” Jericho’s voice was still brimming with laughter.

Quinn sighed. “We’re perhaps getting a little offtrack.”

“Let me watch,” Jericho said. “All of you. I have a feeling it will top any porn I’ve ever seen or any real-life experience I’ve ever had, and that’s before I even get to touch. If you want me to join in, I’m game—no strings attached. If I’m just an observer? I can live with that too.”

“And if we say no?” Peyton asked, the hint of acid in his voice intentional. “Is that where your ‘protection’ ends?”
