Page 75 of Reactant

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Jericho jammed his hands into his pockets and his eyes narrowed. The movement tightened the denim across his thighs, and Peyton’s gaze was drawn to it. “Is that what you think? That if you don’t give me what I want, if you don’t give mesexual favours,that I’ll look the other way when someone points a gun at you?”

“It’s not me I’m worried about.”

“No,” Jericho said. “It wouldn’t be. You…” He made a noise like he’d eaten a particularly choice piece of steak. “You can look after yourself. The first time I see you in action in person I’m gonna blow my load, I just know it.”

“You already have,” Sebastian said flatly. “Or have you so easily forgotten how you all just fucking stood by while Peyton handled the situation?”

Jericho shrugged, unconcerned, and Peyton knew they were missing a step somewhere. If he’d never personally seen Peyton “in action,” then… “You weren’t there,” he accused. “You didn’t stand and watch. You didn’t wait before you came in!”

“We never said we did,” Jericho said easily. “Sebastian assumed, and we allowed it to stand.”

“Why?” Peyton demanded.

Jericho’s smile was lopsided and a little bit crazy. Why that was making lust swirl in the pit of Peyton’s stomach, he had no idea. “Why not?”

“What thefuck?” Sebastian snarled. Peyton felt rather than saw the way Quinn moved to contain him.

“We had limited time and making you feel better wasn’t the priority,” Jericho replied, unbothered. “We knew they were coming for you before they got to you, we called the police, and we came to the rescue. Of course, now we know that was unnecessary.”

"Why didn’t you say anything?” Peyton asked flatly.

“The authorities were on their way, and we’re not in the habit of getting involved in that particular pissing contest.”

“You could have said something after.”

“I didn’t owe you the truth. And I’m saying something now, aren’t I?” His eyes slid to Peyton, and Peyton’s heart skipped a beat. “To answer your question? If you say no? I’ll say I’m disappointed and to have a good night. And lock your windows before you start fucking.”

“That’s it?” Surely that couldn’t be the end of it.

“I like my sex consensual and fun. That means not coerced. You think I have trouble finding people that want to sleep with me?” His lips curled up briefly in the corners. “I’ve had more than my share of fun with others, including a spectacularly talented married couple.”

“Why don’t you go ask them for a fuck, then?” Sebastian asked testily.

Jericho visibly bit back a smile. “I don’t want them, Sebastian. I wantyou. All of you. A package deal, of course.”

“Of course,” Quinn said.

“If you don’t want the same in return, I’m not going to force the issue. I’ve told you what my hand is. Now it’s your turn.”

Peyton met Will’s eyes and saw the want in them. He’d known Will for years, knew every subtle shift in his expressions and his body language. There wasn’t anything he didn’t know about Will, a man made of sunshine who held his heart on his sleeve and his love in his smile. He knew that Will wanted to take what Jericho was offering.

“Do we put it to a vote?” Will asked.

“Do I get a vote?” Jericho asked. “You have an even number of people; you need a decider.”

“I think we already know your vote,” Sebastian said.

Peyton didn’t want to vote. He wanted to tell Jericho to go fuck himself. He also wanted to get him naked and ruin him. He didn’t know what he wanted. He’d had barely any time to even get used to the idea of trying to build something with three other men. Of sharing Will, sharing hislife. What it meant, or where they could go from here.

Did they really want to add a fifth to that mess?

Peyton’s feet were moving before the thought entered his mind. He fisted Jericho’s black hoodie jumper and pushed him back to tumble onto the bed.

Jericho caught himself with his hands. His lips parted, and he spread his legs in invitation. “Whatever you want? You can have it,” he said in a voice made of pure gravel.

“One night,” Peyton said, looking his fill. His dick throbbed, aching for him to do something with it. “That’s it.”

“I’ll take it.”
