Page 24 of Remy

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“Ten, counting me,” Remy said. “I’m setting up a branch of Brotherhood Protectors in Bayou Mambaloa. We’ll take on clients in Louisiana, Texas, Mississippi and anywhere we’re needed in the south.”

Shelby frowned. “Does Sheriff Bergeron know about this? I can tell you he won’t be happy to have a bunch of vigilantes getting in the way of the law.”

Hank chuckled. “I had that conversation with the sheriff. He said the same thing. I assured him we wouldn’t get in his way. We’re a protection, rescue and extraction service. The sheriff admitted his department is understaffed. The New Orleans Police Department can’t keep up with the crime in and around the city. They don’t have time or the manning to provide bodyguards for individuals who find themselves in difficult situations—like you, Miss Taylor.”

“I don’t need a bodyguard,” she said. “I can take care of myself.”

“In most situations, that’s probably true,” Hank said. “This isn’t most situations. Equis Cartel has deep pockets and a long reach. If one member can’t get the job done, they’ll send more. You’ll constantly be looking over your shoulder.”

“You, by yourself, won’t be enough,” Remy said. “You need someone to have your back.”

“Remy’s right,” Hank said. “Brotherhood Protectors understand the concept. They’ve had it drilled into their heads through specialized training in various branches of the military and experience with multiple deployments in hostile territory. I trust each of these men with my life and the lives of my wife and children. I wouldn’t have invited them to join the team if I didn’t have faith in their abilities, work ethic and teamwork.”

“Sounds like there’s going to be a lot of people converging on Bayou Mambaloa,” Shelby said. “Won’t Equis move to a less populated area?”

“From what I was able to find,” Swede said, “they’re going to infiltrate slowly so as not to draw attention. The DEA already has a couple of undercover agents in the community.”

Shelby’s eyes widened. “Really? Bayou Mambaloa is a small town. Everyone knows everyone else.” Her eyes narrowed. “Except during tourist season when people come to the bayou to fish, go on airboat tours and enjoy the festivals and zydeco music.”

“Right,” Swede said. “A DEA agent might have come in as a retiree there for a summer of fishing.”

“Or a photographer or painter, wanting to capture the beauty of the bayou,” Shelby said softly. “As far as that goes, whatever drug cartel, if it’s Equis, could have infiltrated in the same manner, and their contacts could be what we might consider to be legitimate fishing guides or airboat tour boat drivers.”

“True,” Hank said.

“We don’t have concrete evidence on the Equis Cartel connection,” Swede said. “We just know the DEA is interested in Bayou Mambaloa as a possible drop point for product passing through.”

“Whoever is in the bayou, Equis or not,” Remy said, “is dangerous.”

“So, be on your guard at all times,” Hank said. “Remy, you be looking for the rest of your team to arrive in three days or less.”

“Roger,” Remy said.

“Out here,” Swede and Hank said in unison.

“Out here,” Remy replied and ended the call.

He still held Shelby’s hand in his. She hadn’t pulled it free. “Are you okay?”

She shook her head. “I’m a deputy sheriff in a small town. Sure, we have our share of drug dealers and meth-heads and the occasional murder to investigate, but this—” She raised her head and met Remy’s gaze.

Her brow dipped low. Worry etched lines across her forehead. “Bayou Mambaloa is my home. My family lives there. Chrissy, Alan and the boys…”

Remy gently squeezed her hand. “We don’t know for certain that the Equis Cartel is behind the attack.”

“No, but someone was. And they came after me in New Orleans. If I go back to Bayou Mambaloa, they’ll follow me and try again.” Her fingers tightened around his. “What if they come after me when I’m with my sister and her kids?” She shook her head. “I love those boys. I couldn’t live with myself if something happened to them.”

Remy glanced in the rearview mirror, catching Gerard’s gaze.

Gerard nodded in silent agreement.

“We’ll position Gerard with your sister and her family. If the DEA and the cartel can infiltrate Bayou Mambaloa undercover, so can we. The cartel doesn’t have to know I’m your bodyguard and Gerard is your sister’s.”

Shelby’s eyes narrowed. “Alan does need help at that store. It would be natural to hire an extra hand. Chrissy does what she can between chasing after the twins and caring for baby Marty.”

Remy nodded. “That would be a perfect cover for him. Working at the store will keep him close to Chrissy and her family.”

“What about you?” Shelby looked up into his eyes. “Getting you hired into the sheriff’s department would be easy, but we’d be on different shifts.”
