Page 58 of Remy

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A boat sped past them, missing them by mere inches, the wake sending their boat rocking violently.

The other boat made a wide circle and came back at them.

Remy slammed the lever forward, giving the 300-horsepower motor full throttle.

“Did you see who was driving?” Remy yelled over the roar of the engine.

“No,” she called out, holding on as they whipped around a corner.

With the starlight above and the headlight on the boat, he weaved through the islands and tributaries putting as much distance between him and the other boat.

They made it back to the marina without encountering the other boat again.

Remy grabbed the key from the ignition, helped Shelby out of the boat, secured the craft to the dock and hurried to Shelby’s old truck. They were back at her house in record time.

Once they were inside with the door closed and locked behind them, Remy pulled Shelby into his arms and claimed her mouth in a long, hard kiss.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and opened to him, meeting his tongue with hers in a hungry dance.

When he bent to cup her buttocks, she wrapped her legs around his waist. He carried her into her bedroom and kicked the door closed behind him.

“What, not in the daisy room?” she whispered against his mouth.

He growled and dropped her to her feet. “Fuck the daisies.” He stood before her, his heart hammering in his chest and every fiber of his being screaming to take her. But he didn’t touch her.

Her brow puckered. “What’s next?”

“You tell me. Was your act in front of Lissette just an act?”

She shook her head slowly.

“What do you want, Shelby?”

For a moment, she stared at him, her eyes wide, her chest rising and falling as if she’d run a marathon. Then she called out to her smart speaker, “Play some sexy music.”

The speaker came on with a soft, sensuous tune.

Shelby moved toward Remy, her hips swaying to the beat. “Some people say dancing is making love to music.” Her hand came up to rest against his chest. “I say, making love is dancing to music.” She tipped her head back and stared into his eyes. “Let’s dance.”

Chapter 13

Shelby never considered herself a good dancer, but this was different. Remy was different. He made her feel things like she’d never felt before. Every cell in her body burned, sending molten heat to her core.

Dancing with him at the Fontenots had made her forget about chasing down Ethan to get the answers she needed to the question of who had tried to kill her. For the few short minutes the soulful music played, she lost herself in Remy.

Or had she found herself in the arms of a man who had the power to make her aware of her body, her sexuality and her need to be held close?

That need grew like a fanned flame, consuming her in a blast of heat. She tugged his T-shirt out of the waistband of his trousers and dragged it up over his chest, shoulders and head, tossing it aside.

He spun her around and unzipped her dress. His lips pressed to the back of her neck as he pushed the straps of her dress off her shoulders. The garment floated to the floor.

Shelby stepped free of it, standing there in her best bra, lacy panties and strappy sandals.

She turned to face him and swayed her hips to the music, feeling little silly until she witnessed the flare in Remy’s eyes as his gaze swept her length.

“You’re beautiful, Shelby. Inside and out.”

She’d never considered herself beautiful, but when Remy said it, she could almost believe him. “Shut up and dance with me,” she said.
