Page 111 of Brooklyn Cupid

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My heartbeat spikes to incredible heights.

“Please, don’t,” I whisper.

My eyes drop to his lips. His to mine.

“Come here.” He pulls me into him and kisses me.

We’re sick, and I want to share everything with this guy, even the sickness, so he never feels alone again.

I want to kiss him for hours, days, to catch up on all the longing I’ve felt for him for weeks.

When I pull away, I bury my face in his neck, letting him stroke my hair, hoping that he doesn’t notice the tears welling up in my eyes.

“Okay!” I pull away abruptly and walk toward the stove so he doesn’t notice them. “Grits and bacon are cold. Warm-up?”

I feel better now.

He chuckles behind me, and I smile, wiping my wet cheek against my shoulder.

If I’m not ready to tell him about my feelings, at least I can feed the man who is claiming my heart.



I feellike a nuclear bomb went off in my head, leaving heat and confusion in its wake. But I’m used to handle shit like this on my feet. A handful of cold medicine usually does the job.

Lu is wearing this plush hoodie with bunny ears, leggings, and yellow socks with red chilies.

Can any human look more adorable?

By afternoon, she’s worse, her eyes sparkly with fever. But she diligently sits on a tabouret in front of the almost finished gothic portrait and paints the sky.

“I can do the background. It doesn’t need much focus,” she explains when I pop into her room.

I take Pushkin out and buy chicken soup and burgers from the small street joint down the street.

Lu never takes a minute to rest. “If I’m not productive, I should at least do something,” she says and gives Pushkin a quick bath.

He strolls into my room with a new strawberry-patterned vest and sets his head on my bed.

“You got a bath, huh?” I pat my little dude, who smells like Lu’s shampoo. “How does it feel when she washes you, huh? When she touches you?” I tease him in a jealous whisper. “You lucky bastard.” I wish I were Pushkin. I could so snuggle in Lu’s bed with her. “I don’t think I like you right now. Go away.”

And he does, leaving the trace of peach shampoo smell behind.

I think I’m gonna die from wanting Lu so much. My body is aching for her, and I don’t know how to handle it. So I resort to the sure trick.

“It’s movie time,” I announce when it starts getting dark. “Come on, Lu.”

I bring the blankets and make her cuddle with me.

“Wasabi,” she says.

“Never heard of it.”

“Jean Reno is in it, my favorite guy. He is inThe Professional.”

“I’ve seenThe Professional.”
