Page 117 of Brooklyn Cupid

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“I did.”

“You are a fucker. You—” Spiked me! My best friend fucking slipped Ambien into my drink. “You kidding me?”

Roey’s gaze scans the crowded gallery space. “It’s mild. I gave you enough to relax. Give yourself another half an hour. I suggest you make it home by then. With Lu.”

For a moment, anger spikes in me. “Ruined it, man, thanks,” I hiss.

“You’ll thank me later.”

“I’ll be a silly goof.” I know what that shit does mixed with alcohol. Roey doesn’t understand that my tolerance is not nearly as high as his. “Thanks for ruining the freaking evening. I’m leaving.”

I want to be mad, except I’m lightheaded and feeling fantastic. I just need to stay away from Lu before I say some nonsense. I’ll go home. I’ll chill. I’ll take Pushkin out. It’ll wear off before Lu gets home.

Roey walks off to get another drink.

Tito is nowhere to be found, but Jamie approaches me for the first time. “So, you know Tito?”

I don’t know Jamie but I like him right away because he’s Tito’s friend.

“Yeah. I’m Lu’s roommate,” I say, taking a sip of my drink and scanning the packed gallery.

It’s somehow unfair to sayroommate.

I don’t like the word anymore.

I should tell him she’s the love of my life.

And she writes spicy stories inspired by me.

And paints me.

And cooks for me.

And if we were in medieval times and there was a competition for her hand, I’d kick everyone’s ass to marry her.

Because I’m a badass.

But she doesn’t know it.

And it’s okay.

And I’m a virgin.

And that’s okay too.

Because I’ve been waiting for someone like Lu for years.

Oooooh, fuuuuuck.

I feel like talking. My thoughts are a mile a second, but they are floating and constantly changing, and I lose track of them.

Fucking Roey and his tricks.

“So, you and Tito hang out a lot?” Jamie asks, studying me up and down like he’s trying to figure out whether I shagged Tito.

I wanna say that Tito is cool.

And if I were gay, I’d so shag him.
