Page 142 of Brooklyn Cupid

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Was that why he didn’t tell me the truth? He thought I would like a glossy version of him?

This works with people you don’t care about. With him? I want to know his every dark detail. And it kills me to know that he tries to feed me the safe polished version of himself. Just likeIdo with the rest of the world.



My beautiful girl looks lost,like she just figured out the biggest illusion of her life, and it’s slowly killing her.

The hurt in her eyes is real. I don’t know if it’s about me and my secrets or the shitty client that just canceled their order.

I fucked up.

I always play it safe, and Lu is not a safe person. She’s spontaneous and open. She sees the best in people. So, whatever she just saw in me is a hard blow to her trust. I knew this would happen.

Lu cuts the phone call and, without another word, walks to her room.

Her bedroom is unusually empty without her art, and my heart feels the same, like we’ve reached the end.

Her solo exhibit is tomorrow, and I pray it goes spectacularly and she is happy enough to forgive me.

I stand by the giant living room windows, staring at sunny Manhattan and trying to gauge her emotions by the sounds from her room. The soft rustling. The tap running in her bathroom. A soft sob, or a sniffle. Then there’s a muffled bang, and something rolls on the floor. Lu’s, “Fuck you,” whispers in the air.

It’s a bad sign. I’ve never heard her swear before.

She walks out with a phone in her hand and a lost look in her eyes that search the living room like she needs answers.

I take a step toward her.

“Lu, don’t get upset about the people who don’t deserve it.”

I’m talking about her clients, but it dawns on me that I might fit into that same box.

Lu cutely wrinkles her nose, trying not to cry, but her beautiful eyes are pools of tears.

She shakes her head. “You know what they said? That my work is not worth anything unless I put my face to it. Meaning, Lucy Moor is pretty but her art sucks.”

“Lu, you’re so wrong.”

She sniffles. “I’m a failure, Jace. Everyone likes Lucy Moor with a bright smile and outrageous heels. But when I’m not trending, no one cares. Do you?” Her eyes search my face for the answer. “You feed me a bunch of lousy stories and don’t want to show me the real you while the real one is so much more—”

Tears start spilling down her cheeks, and that’s a sight I never wanted to see.

I rush up to her, wrapping my arms around her.

“Lu, you’re the most talented person I know. Beautiful inside out. With an amazing personality. I know all of you. My favorite is not the trending Lucy Moor but the one with messy hair and paint smudges on her hands and a soft smile and the breakfasts we have together. All of you.”

I’m so in love with her that I want to find the bastards who upset her and knock the life out of them one by one.

“Is it money?” I ask, not knowing how to comfort her. “Don’t be upset. I have money. Do you want me to sponsor your art project?”

She shakes her head, casting her gaze down.

Her phone starts ringing, and she picks it up, wiping away tears.

“Hi… Fine… It’s not the best time… yeah… Why? In the city? I see. I’m okay. I’m fine!” She lets out a shaky exhale and wipes her cheeks with her fingers. “I understand. But I’m fine. Always was. Yes, we can meet up. I’ll call you later.”

She hangs up and stares around.
