Page 165 of Brooklyn Cupid

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Crazy is an understatement. They are a giant swing.

“Lu, don’t say this. It’s all my fault. And I’m sorry that today, out of all days, you got to hear the last bit and the end of the story.”

“Isit the end?”

“In my mind, it’s the beginning. If it wasn’t for that night, for Reznik, for your father, I would’ve never met you, Lu. It’s crazy, but it’s the truth, and I’m so grateful for it, even though it makes you angry.”

He lifts my hands to his lips and kisses them. There is no power in the world to make me stop him, despite the hurt feelings. His touch is healing. One touch and my heart starts purring.

“I know it will sound crazy, Lu, but if I didn’t shoot you that night in April, it would’ve been the saddest thing,” Jace says quietly. “I would’ve never known that you existed. If I didn’t have that Brooklyn assignment and move in with you, I would’ve never found out that there is this wonderful person who makes me dream. You. You make my heart beat so fucking hard that it aches when you are not around. I can’t bear it when you are sad. And definitely not when you are hurt. Especially when I might be the reason for it.”

Tears well up in my eyes. No one has ever said words like this to me. His feelings mirror mine, and I’m drowning in them.

“Love was a foreign concept when I was growing up,” Jace says quietly. “Something that’s thrown around so easily by many people, but I didn’t understand it. I loved the way others loved each other in movies, spied on families on the streets, read about it in books. I was confused. Family is the source of love. And family is the basic unit of a society. The most common. Yet, I didn’t have one. It’s as if God picked me out of thousands and said, ‘Nope, not this one. This one will be a lone weed.’ I never thought I deserved love until I met you, Lu.”

I hold my breath so sobs don’t betray me as his words softly spill into the air.

I love him so much. He doesn’t know it. But he so deserves it, and I need to tell him that.

“Now I know what love feels like,” he continues with a soft smile. “And not an adolescent attraction driven by hormones, but a profound feeling of knowing that someone is more important to you than the entire universe. It’s magical, really. You are magic, Lu. Given a choice, I would’ve spent my twenty-four years in misery again if only I was promised a chance to meet you. You were so worth the wait, Lu.”

I bite my bottom lip so hard that I might break the skin.

“I love you, Lu,” he says quietly. “I love you so much that there is no threat that can possibly make me step back and let you go. I won’t.”

My chest shakes as I suppress the sob. “I thought my father threatened you,” I say, trying to hold back tears and emotions and a silly smile because this man is willing to fight for me and no one has ever fought for me before.

He chuckles. “Lu, you know I don’t like to fight, but I don’t like threats and bullying. And I’m great at disarming attackers.”

He’s so much more powerful when he takes pride in his past.

“I have my own ways,” he continues. “I’ll do whatever it takes to make up for this mess. I’ll be patient and give you space if you need to think about us. But I won’t let you go. This, I won’t do. I’m a freaking Brooklynite now. And Brooklynites are unapologetic and strong-headed as fuck.”

A laugh escapes me.

No, this is not Sharki. Sharki didn’t get to this point in my book yet. Jace is taking the lead,hasbeen since the beginning, and he’s everything I ever wanted.

I just need to take a deep breath. Get my thoughts together. Tuck my feelings under my sleeve for the day so I can focus on my exhibition. Because when I’m around Jace, my feelings are this giant balloon, waiting to be popped and spill over.

Jace leans over and kisses me softly on the lips. He seriously needs to go away, because my thoughts are not about the exhibition anymore.

“Lu baby, I’ll do anything you want,” he whispers against my lips. “I’ll clean, I’ll cook breakfasts, lunches, and dinners, serve them to you in bed, on the terrace, on the moon, on dead stars. I’ll make Mama Bear shine every night. I’ll be on my best behavior. I’ll pose for your paintings, practice with you chapters seven, nine, and ten—”

“Jace!” I throw my head back and blush.

“I’ll even help you write more chapters. You have no idea. Your fictional men are so—”

“Staaahp.” I roll my eyes.

“I’ll be the best—what’s the word—groveler you’ve ever seen.”

I burst out laughing, and Jace gets up and sweeps me in his arms.

Swooning? Check.

“Just don’t be mad at me, beautiful girl. I’m gonna make you so happy.” He kisses my cheek. “I promise.” He kisses the other and sets me back down on my feet.

I give him a playful suspicious stare, but my heart is already swirling in a dance, reaching out to his like a fated mate.
