Page 17 of Brooklyn Cupid

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Her voice is like a caress.

“It’s great, thank you.”

“You don’t spend much time here. This view alone”—she nods toward the windows—“is worth it.”

Her eyes eat me up in a subtle and friendly but obvious way. I think she likes me.

“How’s everything?” I ask just to hear her voice again. I really need to up my chatting game if I want to get to know her better.

“I started a new project,” she says with an eager smile. “Two.”

I cock a brow at her, and she laughs, making me grin in return. Our eyes meet, and god damn, I’m melting under her gaze, about to turn into a puddle on this white couch.

A low growl from the doorway to her room makes us turn in that direction.

“Hey, cute muffin,” she coos, walking toward the evil dog who obviously thinks I’m a stranger in this house.

Well, I moved in first.

He turned out to be a stray.

The twist? Lucy picked him up and brought him home.

“You are at it again?” she asks him, kneeling and patting the little fucker. “Jace lives here.”

Like I said, I was first.

The weird part? The dog has one eye. So he looks like he’s winking all the time.

The downside? That shithead hates me. He blissfully closes his one eye when Lucy strokes him but instantly growls when I rise from the couch.

Jealous much?

I have a feeling anyone who gets close to Lucy falls under her spell. I already am, stealing glances at her long bare legs and the cute braid dangling down her back. She’ll be my undoing if I keep spending time around her.

Lucy turns to see me grab the keys from the kitchen island. “Leaving?”

I think I see disappointment on her face.

“Yeah, work,” I say.

“See you tonight!” she says with a big smile that leaves goosebumps on my skin.

I already can’t wait for tonight.

This is a shakeup that I never saw coming—becoming Lucy’s roommate. She’s an artist, an influencer, and a dozen other things, as I found out online. Yep, I already found her social profile. I feel like I moved in with a celebrity.

And with a white monster, who cocks his head as I open the front door.

I purposefully narrow my eyes at him and bare my teeth.

He barks.

I chuckle, shutting the front door behind me and heading for a meeting with Roey.


