Page 186 of Brooklyn Cupid

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Then another, the loud sound assaulting my eardrums.

A punch in my chest leaves me choking for a moment as Uncle pushes me off him.

I gasp feverishly, fighting the sharp pain and trying to get my breath back.

The shots start firing everywhere.

Jace doesn’t have a gun. Where’s this coming from?

A bullet grazes the floor next to me, and I scream, covering my head, panic rising in my chest.

“Get down, assholes!” someone yells.

Several men file through the front door into the warehouse and behind the storage vaults. These guys don’t belong here. I can’t see Jace and frantically search for him.

A hand jerks me by my scruff to my feet, and Uncle hisses, “Your boy fucked up. Let’s move,” sending shivers down my spine as he drags me toward the very back of the warehouse.

Guns start firing everywhere, gunshots booming through the small space.

“Fucking morons. They’ll pay,” Uncle rasps.

I try to fight, but he sticks the cold gun barrel into my neck. “Either follow me or I’ll shoot your pretty head off. I won’t hesitate. It’ll be a nice souvenir for your mother.”

He drags me toward the exit sign above the back door, and I scramble, following.

Right before he yanks me out of the door, I scream, “Jace!”

And dread fills me at the thought that I might never see him again.

1 “?? ????? ???? ?? ??????, ??????.”— (Russian)“There’s a lot you don’t know, sunshine.”

2 “??????. ? ?? ?????.” — (Russian)“Sit. And not a peep.”



Lu’s fadingscream pierces me with sharper pain than the bullet. My eyes dart in the direction of the back door Reznik just dragged her out of.

I lean back on the wall behind a storage vault and pant, my mind reeling.

Another shot goes off. Then another echoes through the warehouse.

One of Brexton’s guys ten feet away from me gives me a smirk like we are playing laser tag.

“You,” I mouth to him. “Cover me.”

Without waiting for a response, I start crouching along the perimeter of the building.

“Put your guns down!” another guy shouts, impossible to tell if he’s ours or Reznik’s.

“There’s a backup team outside!”

So, Kolchak’s men are here. Good.

The shots start firing again from all directions.

I run behind a coat rack, and a bullet swishes through the coats, sending a cloud of fur into the air.
