Page 194 of Brooklyn Cupid

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Reznik shoots at the drone again.

I counted his bullets. The gun he had at the warehouse had twelve rounds with a full clip. He’s used eight so far. I just need him to shoot four more times so he doesn’t get a chance to shoot at us at close proximity.

Reznik fires another shot at the drone that flies erratically in circles above him, making him spin around.


He turns toward our boat, raising his gun at us when the drone gets even closer, above his head, and he jerks his gun up and shoots again.


The drone swerves, avoiding being hit, then lunges at him and sweeps only a foot above his head.

Reznik’s boat swerves to the side, and he shoots, aimlessly, obviously angry.


“Keep up!” I shout at Alex, my eyes on Reznik.

Reznik leans on the helm, holding it with his belly, and I fucking pray I wasn’t mistaken about the number of shots he took. Thishasto be the last one.

Reznik steadies himself, points upward toward the drone, and shoots.

The drone explodes into pieces ten feet above him in the air.

That was his last bullet.

My turn.

And I shoot.


It’s my only shot. And when the flare zooms with smoke toward Reznik, for a second—one brief motherfucking second—my heart stalls.

Then Reznik spins, so fast that it’s unmistakable—I hit him, though I don’t know where.

He topples over, his gun flying out of his hand, and I wave at Lu and roar, “Jump!”

1 “?????, ?? ?? ?????, ????” — (Russian)“Shit, what the hell, Sash?”

2 “????!” — (Russian)“Bitch!”



“Jump!”I shout to Lu and wave like a mad lifeguard. “Jump!”

And there’s my Lu, the girl who walks in high heels like they are her feet extensions and dances like a ballerina. The soft-spoken sunshine with a gentle touch, who, without hesitation, goes over the railing like a freaking American Ninja Warrior and dives into the water.

“Stop!” I shout to Alex.

No need. He’s a fucking pro. I want to kiss the man who makes a U-turn like you only see in cop-chase movies and cuts the gear to neutral.

I don’t wait. Reznik’s boat keeps going forward, speeding away in an erratic trajectory, as I dive overboard.

Cold, hot, excited, and anxious, I swing my arms like crazy when I reach the surface and locate Lu.
