Page 195 of Brooklyn Cupid

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I don’t know if she can swim, I never asked. But when I reach her, she’s floating, panting, spitting the salty water out.

“Lu!” I pull her toward me, and we both go under. I push us back out and try to hold her to keep her above water. “Can you swim?”

“Yes,” she pants.

The ocean is cold, but my heart is so fucking hot, because I got her, and Reznik is nowhere near. But Alex’s boat is. Thank God for the crazy Slavs!

Alex idles the boat toward us and throws out a life ring.

In a minute, we are pulled into the boat.

“???!1” he blurts out, scanning Lu up and down.

I cup her face. “You alright? I’m so sorry, baby. I didn’t know what else to do. I didn’t know that would happen. I thought he—”

“Jace, Jace, Jace. Baby, slow down,” she whispers, slightly trembling but with a reassuring smile on her face.

Baby…Fuck me sideways. It sounds so freaking cute.

She cups my face too and strokes my cheeks with her thumbs. Then she kisses me, and the world is suddenly calm and cool and full of emotions and the guys’ whistles and chuckles and a subtle, “?? ???2.”

“I got you, Lu,” I murmur between the kisses. “You okay? You got scared?”

“I saw you wave,” she says, panting, “and I jumped in the water like a dolphin to get to you.”

We laugh, hugging.

When she pulls away, she looks at Alex and smiles.

“Are you Russian?” she asks.

“Belarusian,” he says.

“My mom is Belarusian.”

His face lights up. “Aaaaaa. ??, ????????????.3” He cackles, a cigarette between his lips. “Ours!” He winks at me. “Good choice, man.”

I know.

Alex passes her a shot. “???.4”

She throws it back, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand.

“You hurt?” I ask.

She shakes her head with a smile. “No.”

I don’t care about Reznik, but the motherfucker stole my girlfriend and unleashed a band of goons on me. There’s nothing I want more besides taking my girl home than to roast his crypto-thieving ass.

I turn to Alex. “You think you can catch up with that guy?”

Alex exhales the cigarette smoke into the air.

Dzima chuckles.

Misha, who sat through the chase and bullet shots with an IT client, is up on the deck and pours shots like I just asked if we can take a sunset tour. Which is an option, the sunissetting over the beautiful sparkling blue water.

“You care about the guy?” Alex throws back a shot that Dzima passes him and exhales through his lips.
