Page 3 of Brooklyn Cupid

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There’s another bark to the left—the white dog that looks like a pit bull stares at us from the distance.

“Come on.” Roey motions and starts walking.

“Where are you taking her?”

“Thatwe have to figure out.”

We round the corner like three thieves with the pink-blonde baggage in Roey’s arms. The street opens into a park that overlooks the East River and both the Brooklyn and Manhattan Bridges.

Carefully, Roey sets the girl down on a park bench and exhales, fixing his baseball hat with both hands.

“Well, we fucked it up,” he says, scanning the empty park as we stand under the streetlight.

This is a weird twist. I study the pretty young girl who looks like she just stepped off a Barbie magazine, and guilt twists my stomach.

“Okay.” Roey sets his hands on his hips. “Here’s the plan. You”—he gives me a backward nod—“are staying with her until she comes to. Give that sedative about half an hour.”

“Me?” He must be crazy. “Not a chance.Youare the lady’s man.”

“Jace, we don’t need a lady’s man right now. You look more trustworthy. When she comes to, you help her out. Sweet talk her. I’ll guide you”—he taps his earpiece—“until you find out how she knows Reznik. Considering the guy lay low for months, it’s a miracle that someonedoesknow him around here.”

“Miller is a better candidate,” I argue.

“Well,youfucked up the shot, Jace.”

I grunt, shame washing over me. Roey knows I never miss. So he’s angry at the fact that the five-million-dollar bounty is dissipating faster than smoke in the wind.

“You fucked it up, so fix it, Shooter,” he says more bitterly.


“Sit down.” He pushes me onto the bench next to the blondie, grabs my arm, and slings it around her shoulders, her head lolling onto her chest. “Put on your glasses.”

“Ugh. Can we just—”

“Jace! Put on your fucking glasses!” he barks. “We don’t have time for your insecurities.”

Reluctantly, I take the glasses out of my pocket. They are black-rimmed fakes, for camouflage, whichgives me a nerdy vibe, as per Roey.

He snatches my baseball hat and slicks my hair. “Perfect,” he murmurs, working me like I’m a puppet.

“Now what?”

“Now we split. Stay put. We’re going to pick up your gun and stay around the corner.”

By the time I take a deep breath, Roey and Miller are gone, and I scan the empty park.

I’m soaked with sweat under my hoodie despite the chilly April night. The scent of the girl’s flowery perfume tickles my nostrils, and—

The white dog sits at a distance and stares—unmistakably, even in the dim streetlights—at me. Or her? Is itherdog? Nah. He has no collar. His one eye sparkles, reflecting the streetlight, making it look like he’s winking at me.

My heart is pounding. This night is taking a strange turn.

“How’s the hot date, lover-boy?”Roey’s voice in my earpiece jerks me out of my thoughts.“While you are chilling, check her purse.”


The dollface with perfectly outlined eyebrows, long lashes, and full lips is peaceful. Unlike me. I feel like a criminal when I reach for her silver clutch that matches her stilettos and the buttons on her huge pink fur coat.
